
by Alaina Tennant

30 MIN -- In the study of a German home, Hans Scholl and Alex Schmorell write and print leaflets. Treasonous leaflets. Leaflets that target the religious and intellectual Germans and call for the toppling of Hitler's regime. In the same home is Hans' little sister, Sophie, who takes an interest in the anonymous leaflets. After witnessing Hans' stubborn and self-sacrificial determination when it comes to...

30 MIN -- In the study of a German home, Hans Scholl and Alex Schmorell write and print leaflets. Treasonous leaflets. Leaflets that target the religious and intellectual Germans and call for the toppling of Hitler's regime. In the same home is Hans' little sister, Sophie, who takes an interest in the anonymous leaflets. After witnessing Hans' stubborn and self-sacrificial determination when it comes to protecting Sophie, Alex wonders if Hans would hide something from him in the same way.

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  • Tyler "T" Lang: Freiheit

    The play was definitely one that needed to be written and told! I loved every moment of reading it. Fantastic job, Alaina! I can tell that a lot of time and research went into this play. The ending was tough to bear, but the way you conveyed everything worked perfectly. I would pay to see this show because of how layered the writing is and how much personality each character has within the short 30-45 minutes we are with them. I can't wait to read more from this writer, and neither should you!

    The play was definitely one that needed to be written and told! I loved every moment of reading it. Fantastic job, Alaina! I can tell that a lot of time and research went into this play. The ending was tough to bear, but the way you conveyed everything worked perfectly. I would pay to see this show because of how layered the writing is and how much personality each character has within the short 30-45 minutes we are with them. I can't wait to read more from this writer, and neither should you!

  • Laurie Scoggins: Freiheit

    This short play by Alaina Tennant tell just a small part of history when Hans Scholl and Alex Schmorell take action to fight for their country. The story stands by itself, but the history behind it will leave you wanting to know more about these characters and their actions. I will definitely read more by this author!

    This short play by Alaina Tennant tell just a small part of history when Hans Scholl and Alex Schmorell take action to fight for their country. The story stands by itself, but the history behind it will leave you wanting to know more about these characters and their actions. I will definitely read more by this author!

  • Eric Mansfield: Freiheit

    Alaina Tennant has crafted a powerful short drama that while set in Nazi Germany will resonate with today's movement to stand up to nationalism and to inspire activism in young adults to see what's really going on in society. This play makes no apologies nor does it try to wrap up the story in a happily-ever-after bow. With minimal set needs, theatres should consider this play for their black boxes for audience members who crave the intimacy that only live drama on stage can provide. Well done.

    Alaina Tennant has crafted a powerful short drama that while set in Nazi Germany will resonate with today's movement to stand up to nationalism and to inspire activism in young adults to see what's really going on in society. This play makes no apologies nor does it try to wrap up the story in a happily-ever-after bow. With minimal set needs, theatres should consider this play for their black boxes for audience members who crave the intimacy that only live drama on stage can provide. Well done.

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Character Information

  • Hans Scholl
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
  • Alexander Schmorell (Alex)
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity
  • Sophie Scholl
    Character Age
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Akron School for The Arts at Firestone CLC, Year 2024

Production History

  • Type High School, Organization Akron School for the Arts at Firestone CLC, Year 2024


    International Thespian Excellence Awards
  • Superior in Playwriting
    Ohio Thespy Awards