Recommendations of Cremains to Be Seen

  • Nora Louise Syran: Cremains to Be Seen

    Dark and delightful! You had me at the opening line: "I bet you are just dying to meet Mr. Murphy" ! Brava.

    Dark and delightful! You had me at the opening line: "I bet you are just dying to meet Mr. Murphy" ! Brava.

  • Ken Love: Cremains to Be Seen

    "End of life" plays and stories do not always have to feel like the "end of life". I've heard comic writers and comedians tell of getting their best ideas at funerals and funeral homes. Thank you, Anastasia Wild, for sharing "Cremains to Be Seen" with us, yet another end-of-life tale that goes down with ease and is so desperately needed in life and in the theater. And the fact that the piece is well written doesn't hurt, either.

    "End of life" plays and stories do not always have to feel like the "end of life". I've heard comic writers and comedians tell of getting their best ideas at funerals and funeral homes. Thank you, Anastasia Wild, for sharing "Cremains to Be Seen" with us, yet another end-of-life tale that goes down with ease and is so desperately needed in life and in the theater. And the fact that the piece is well written doesn't hurt, either.

  • Cam Eickmeyer: Cremains to Be Seen

    I love a good dark comedy and this fits the bill. Decisions about death, burials and funerals are excruciating but also filled with bizarre moments. This short play draws those out to cringe-worthy as well as genuine laughs.

    I love a good dark comedy and this fits the bill. Decisions about death, burials and funerals are excruciating but also filled with bizarre moments. This short play draws those out to cringe-worthy as well as genuine laughs.

  • Paul Donnelly: Cremains to Be Seen

    This is a witty portrait of the commercial side of mourning. The character driven laughs flow while the reality of grief is never far beneath the surface. The juxtaposition leads to some edgy and effective humor.

    This is a witty portrait of the commercial side of mourning. The character driven laughs flow while the reality of grief is never far beneath the surface. The juxtaposition leads to some edgy and effective humor.

  • Debra A. Cole: Cremains to Be Seen

    People handle grief in different ways. ANASTASIA WILD handles grief with dark wit and the best cringy puns possible in her short play CREMAINS TO BE SEEN. While Corie is full of enthusiasm, I'd take Daniel as my personal guide to the entire messy process. Audiences will laugh and feel with this little gem.

    People handle grief in different ways. ANASTASIA WILD handles grief with dark wit and the best cringy puns possible in her short play CREMAINS TO BE SEEN. While Corie is full of enthusiasm, I'd take Daniel as my personal guide to the entire messy process. Audiences will laugh and feel with this little gem.

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: Cremains to Be Seen

    Deliciously cringy, this short dark comedy brings four well-rounded characters to life in a play about the business of death. The puns are contagious and spread like fire through a crematorium. I especially enjoyed Daniel’s highly polished, overly rehearsed, commercial sound bites about dying and grief. A really enjoyable script!

    Deliciously cringy, this short dark comedy brings four well-rounded characters to life in a play about the business of death. The puns are contagious and spread like fire through a crematorium. I especially enjoyed Daniel’s highly polished, overly rehearsed, commercial sound bites about dying and grief. A really enjoyable script!

  • Brenton Kniess: Cremains to Be Seen

    Anastasia Wild's CREMAINS TO BE SEEN is compelling, humorous, and surprisingly moving. Wild is able to capture the essence of grief so vividly which offers wonderful contrast from the unique sense of humor. This is a wonderfully crafted play with plenty of heart and laughs.

    Anastasia Wild's CREMAINS TO BE SEEN is compelling, humorous, and surprisingly moving. Wild is able to capture the essence of grief so vividly which offers wonderful contrast from the unique sense of humor. This is a wonderfully crafted play with plenty of heart and laughs.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Cremains to Be Seen

    This is such a great way to deal with grief. We will all go through this at some point, and I am glad I will have the puns of this play running through my mind when it is my time. The hard part for me will to be more of a Daniel and less of a Corie...but I do adore Corie!

    This is such a great way to deal with grief. We will all go through this at some point, and I am glad I will have the puns of this play running through my mind when it is my time. The hard part for me will to be more of a Daniel and less of a Corie...but I do adore Corie!

  • Amanda Schumacher: Cremains to Be Seen

    One thing (of many) that I love about Wild's plays are the lines of dialogue that just dig their hooks into your soul and won't let go. I'm a sucker for a good, memorable quote, and CREMAINS TO BE SEEN features them generously sprinkled throughout. Additionally, combining lighthearted humor with the subject of grief (as well as weaving in elements of faith in the face of death) is no easy feat, but Wild does so with such care, grace, and skill.

    One thing (of many) that I love about Wild's plays are the lines of dialogue that just dig their hooks into your soul and won't let go. I'm a sucker for a good, memorable quote, and CREMAINS TO BE SEEN features them generously sprinkled throughout. Additionally, combining lighthearted humor with the subject of grief (as well as weaving in elements of faith in the face of death) is no easy feat, but Wild does so with such care, grace, and skill.

  • Neil Radtke: Cremains to Be Seen

    This play is a captivating exploration of grief and family dynamics. Through vivid characters and witty dialogue, the play delves into the emotional journey of two siblings as they navigate the funeral planning process. Its perfect blend of humor and poignancy will leave you pondering life's complexities. Another gem of a play!

    This play is a captivating exploration of grief and family dynamics. Through vivid characters and witty dialogue, the play delves into the emotional journey of two siblings as they navigate the funeral planning process. Its perfect blend of humor and poignancy will leave you pondering life's complexities. Another gem of a play!