"Guts" is an incredibly powerful story told through the brilliant setting of a Biggest Loser parody game show. Despite many of the topics on bodies that Greene discusses being serious and often difficult, she fearlessly leans into them with plenty of humor and compassion to get us through. Much like other Rachel Greene plays, this play puts large bodies on stage front and center with a cast of characters that everyone will fall in love with. By the end you'll be left feeling joyful but also questioning your own biases and assumptions about bodies we see everyday.
"Guts" is an incredibly powerful story told through the brilliant setting of a Biggest Loser parody game show. Despite many of the topics on bodies that Greene discusses being serious and often difficult, she fearlessly leans into them with plenty of humor and compassion to get us through. Much like other Rachel Greene plays, this play puts large bodies on stage front and center with a cast of characters that everyone will fall in love with. By the end you'll be left feeling joyful but also questioning your own biases and assumptions about bodies we see everyday.