Recommendations of After the War is Over

  • Ian Donley: After the War is Over

    Arthur M. Jolly writes with precision to the point where you feel elated one moment and heartbroken the next. A talented writer knows how to balance this dichotomy, and Arthur does it well here.

    Arthur M. Jolly writes with precision to the point where you feel elated one moment and heartbroken the next. A talented writer knows how to balance this dichotomy, and Arthur does it well here.

  • Cam Eickmeyer: After the War is Over

    A very sweet poem of a play. Life moves fast. Better hold onto the lamp post and benches while you can and hope your loved ones are around you was you go.

    A very sweet poem of a play. Life moves fast. Better hold onto the lamp post and benches while you can and hope your loved ones are around you was you go.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: After the War is Over

    The gentleness of this play makes it all the more poignant and deeply moving. The memories of Calvin and Mabel are permanently etched so that even the relentless progression of time does not diminish their meaning or what these two people mean to each other. Even the onset of the cruelty of forgetting doesn't take it away. Arthur M. Jolly's touch in creating powerful and lasting characters and moments is in full force here, and as someone who has been down this road, I am grateful to see how well he tells their story.

    The gentleness of this play makes it all the more poignant and deeply moving. The memories of Calvin and Mabel are permanently etched so that even the relentless progression of time does not diminish their meaning or what these two people mean to each other. Even the onset of the cruelty of forgetting doesn't take it away. Arthur M. Jolly's touch in creating powerful and lasting characters and moments is in full force here, and as someone who has been down this road, I am grateful to see how well he tells their story.

  • Michael C. O'Day: After the War is Over

    What seems at first like a wistful two-hander about negotiating love and attraction in a bygone era turns out to be two two-handers, inextricably and heartbreakingly linked, about the inevitabilites of age. The brilliance of Jolly's piece is that its theatrical form is itself the perfect metaphor for the persistence of love and dignity as memory falters. A sweet, sad little gem.

    What seems at first like a wistful two-hander about negotiating love and attraction in a bygone era turns out to be two two-handers, inextricably and heartbreakingly linked, about the inevitabilites of age. The brilliance of Jolly's piece is that its theatrical form is itself the perfect metaphor for the persistence of love and dignity as memory falters. A sweet, sad little gem.

  • Daniel Emlyn-Jones: After the War is Over

    A play which explores with deep authenticity how war changes lives and relationships. "I don’t know how to just... be here," is a line of powerful simplicity which for me hits the nail on the head. The play made me think of all the people who were expected to just get on with it and go back to normal life post-war, and how the trauma of that time resonates through their lives and the lives of their families.

    A play which explores with deep authenticity how war changes lives and relationships. "I don’t know how to just... be here," is a line of powerful simplicity which for me hits the nail on the head. The play made me think of all the people who were expected to just get on with it and go back to normal life post-war, and how the trauma of that time resonates through their lives and the lives of their families.

  • Jan Probst: After the War is Over

    After wrapping myself into an adorably awkward conversation between two sweethearts meeting after a long separation, I was not prepared for what came next. Skillfully written, with a clear understanding of the effects of Alzheimers, on memory, on family, on our footing in the world, After the War is Over goes straight to the heart of it all. You may find yourself deep within your own sense of memory and place as Old Calvin begins to exit. And so it should be.

    After wrapping myself into an adorably awkward conversation between two sweethearts meeting after a long separation, I was not prepared for what came next. Skillfully written, with a clear understanding of the effects of Alzheimers, on memory, on family, on our footing in the world, After the War is Over goes straight to the heart of it all. You may find yourself deep within your own sense of memory and place as Old Calvin begins to exit. And so it should be.