by Kris Thompson
Dahmer, Party of Five
Character Information
- Atilla The HunLate 40s Roman Empire barbarian, big guy, leader of the Huns and dressed accordingly. (COULD BE DOUBLECAST AS MAXIMILIEN)Character Age40sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- Aileen Wuornos40s prostitute, serial killer (in denial) from Florida, rough voice, tries? to be sexy, dressed 1980s street walker.Character Age40sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentitycaucasianCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
- Ted BundyIntelligent, confident, serial killer, deep voice.Character Age40sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentitycaucasianCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- MonicaHell’s Kitchen Hostess with an overly cherry robotic quality.Character AgeAny AgeCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale
- MaximilienPretentious Hell’s Kitchen waiter with French accent.Character AgeAny AgeCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- LucyThe Devil whose pronoun is “they” and vacillates between male and female at will. Smooth, sexy, volumed.Character AgeAny AgeCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityBigender (they/them)
- John Wayne GacyRobust 50s serial killer from Chicago, dressed as clown.
*Honks his clown horn every time after speaking. Honk will be regular, aggressive, suggestive, or sad as indicated in script)Character Age50sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentitycaucasianCharacter Gender IdentityMale - Jeffrey Dahmer30s blond serial killer, just arrived via Purgatory, dressed 1990s. Wisconsin accent.Character Age30sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentitycaucasianCharacter Gender IdentityMale
- Giulia Tofania40s serial killer, Italian businesswoman, dressed from the 1600s. Italian accent. (Pronounced “Julia” “Toe-fawn-uh”)Character Age40sCharacter Race/Ethnic IdentityAnyCharacter Gender IdentityFemale