"Oh, Dear God, Dad is a Feminist" is a heartfelt and humorous exploration of the relationship between a father and daughter. Set in a hospital waiting room, the play showcases their banter and discussions on gender stereotypes, relationships, and individuality. Through witty dialogue and genuine moments of connection, the audience witnesses the depth of their bond. As they navigate conversations about love, careers, and societal expectations, both characters reveal layers of complexity and warmth. With its blend of humor and sincerity, this play offers a touching portrayal of family dynamics...
"Oh, Dear God, Dad is a Feminist" is a heartfelt and humorous exploration of the relationship between a father and daughter. Set in a hospital waiting room, the play showcases their banter and discussions on gender stereotypes, relationships, and individuality. Through witty dialogue and genuine moments of connection, the audience witnesses the depth of their bond. As they navigate conversations about love, careers, and societal expectations, both characters reveal layers of complexity and warmth. With its blend of humor and sincerity, this play offers a touching portrayal of family dynamics and personal growth. Excellent.