Goat Blood
by Mark-Eugene Garcia
"Goat Blood" is a supernatural thriller infused with Latine folklore, queer identity, and a dark exploration of personal demons. At its core, the play follows Pablo and Owen, two coworkers waiting in the woods for a casual double date. What begins as lighthearted banter turns into something much deeper as Pablo’s haunted past resurfaces in the form of a terrifying Chupacabra—an ancient monster tied to his roots...
"Goat Blood" is a supernatural thriller infused with Latine folklore, queer identity, and a dark exploration of personal demons. At its core, the play follows Pablo and Owen, two coworkers waiting in the woods for a casual double date. What begins as lighthearted banter turns into something much deeper as Pablo’s haunted past resurfaces in the form of a terrifying Chupacabra—an ancient monster tied to his roots.
As the night unfolds, Owen's skepticism is shattered when the creature begins hunting them. But the Chupacabra is not just a monster—it's a manifestation of secrets, guilt, and unresolved trauma that Pablo has carried since losing his little brother years ago. Now, the two men must face their pasts, their desires, and the very real possibility of death.
"Goat Blood" combines intense horror with moments of dark humor and tenderness, tackling themes of cultural identity, masculinity, and forbidden attraction in the face of a relentless supernatural force. It's a heart-pounding ride, blending the thrill of horror with intimate, raw emotion.
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