Recommendations of Tourist Trap (Short)

  • Shaun Leisher: Tourist Trap (Short)

    I loved these characters so much. Loved getting to experience their disappointment along with their excitement. Guo has managed to pack a wide range of emotions in such a few number of pages.

    I loved these characters so much. Loved getting to experience their disappointment along with their excitement. Guo has managed to pack a wide range of emotions in such a few number of pages.

  • Scott Sickles: Tourist Trap (Short)

    For those of us with Asian mothers, this play is a special treat! Guo skillfully divides the turbulent and complex Asian Mom archetype into separate women — the hovering mom, the distant mom, and the mom who's all about herself — each complex, human, and real.

    But you don't need an Asian mom to enjoy their surreal quest. "Dot-nets," "Applebee's" and the phrase "essential amino acids" have never been funnier.
    Gloriously detailed, as universal as it is Asian American, this trap is a great trip!

    For those of us with Asian mothers, this play is a special treat! Guo skillfully divides the turbulent and complex Asian Mom archetype into separate women — the hovering mom, the distant mom, and the mom who's all about herself — each complex, human, and real.

    But you don't need an Asian mom to enjoy their surreal quest. "Dot-nets," "Applebee's" and the phrase "essential amino acids" have never been funnier.
    Gloriously detailed, as universal as it is Asian American, this trap is a great trip!

  • James Binz: Tourist Trap (Short)

    A fascinating study of three women. Friends and companions, they make a voyage through the Big City looking for the important things. We see cultural differences, where we are introduced to stinky tofu and white rice cooked on the brown rice setting. These women also display universal truths and face universal problems and dreams. Very nicely written and paced. This needs production!!!

    A fascinating study of three women. Friends and companions, they make a voyage through the Big City looking for the important things. We see cultural differences, where we are introduced to stinky tofu and white rice cooked on the brown rice setting. These women also display universal truths and face universal problems and dreams. Very nicely written and paced. This needs production!!!

  • Will Cloud: Tourist Trap (Short)

    There is nothing more relatable than having a stinky-tofu-induced existential crisis in the middle of Times Square. Guo does an impressive job packing emotion and humor into such a short amount of stage time, I felt like I had experienced a life-time with the characters and it was only fifteen pages. Easily one of the best short plays I've read all year!

    There is nothing more relatable than having a stinky-tofu-induced existential crisis in the middle of Times Square. Guo does an impressive job packing emotion and humor into such a short amount of stage time, I felt like I had experienced a life-time with the characters and it was only fifteen pages. Easily one of the best short plays I've read all year!

  • Michael Towers: Tourist Trap (Short)

    If you're a parent, you HAVE to read this...because you WILL understand. If you have or ever have had a parent, PLEASE read it...see it...because it may help you understand...the things we do...the things we say...and the journeys we take towards UNDERSTANDING our place in the world...without you immediately by our side. Guo's, TOURIST TRAP is a heart-achingly beautiful and brilliant romp down the desperate and inevitable road of reclaiming things lost.

    If you're a parent, you HAVE to read this...because you WILL understand. If you have or ever have had a parent, PLEASE read it...see it...because it may help you understand...the things we do...the things we say...and the journeys we take towards UNDERSTANDING our place in the world...without you immediately by our side. Guo's, TOURIST TRAP is a heart-achingly beautiful and brilliant romp down the desperate and inevitable road of reclaiming things lost.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Tourist Trap (Short)

    A tour de force of a tour, Guo writes with marvelous strangeness. As a mother with a son, I have to say that this rings so true for me. I could truly relate! And it's wildly funny and true to life, even as it warps time, space, and addresses history and colonization. Wonderful, moving work!

    A tour de force of a tour, Guo writes with marvelous strangeness. As a mother with a son, I have to say that this rings so true for me. I could truly relate! And it's wildly funny and true to life, even as it warps time, space, and addresses history and colonization. Wonderful, moving work!