Recommendations of Senior Prom

  • Iyna Caruso: Senior Prom

    This sweet and funny nostalgic trip of two school friends who cross paths after 60 years at a senior complex takes an unexpected turn as they recalibrate their assumptions about the people they’ve become. Youth is great but self-acceptance is the real prize. Well done.

    This sweet and funny nostalgic trip of two school friends who cross paths after 60 years at a senior complex takes an unexpected turn as they recalibrate their assumptions about the people they’ve become. Youth is great but self-acceptance is the real prize. Well done.

  • Jarred Corona: Senior Prom

    I was going to write about how sweet I found this play, but then a certain sadness hit me. Sometimes hope is presented in such nostalgic sweetness, it hits you like sadness. Robert Weibezahl says lost connections can be found again. The sad moments of today can bring a laugh decades in the future. We all grow old. The universe will send us friends to help when we sit with loss. Cookies meant for a season can be present the whole year. We are not bound. Life comes. Happiness comes. We find light. I quite liked this short

    I was going to write about how sweet I found this play, but then a certain sadness hit me. Sometimes hope is presented in such nostalgic sweetness, it hits you like sadness. Robert Weibezahl says lost connections can be found again. The sad moments of today can bring a laugh decades in the future. We all grow old. The universe will send us friends to help when we sit with loss. Cookies meant for a season can be present the whole year. We are not bound. Life comes. Happiness comes. We find light. I quite liked this short

  • Paul Donnelly: Senior Prom

    It isn't all memories and nostalgia as Deborah and Mike are reunited after sixty years. The gauzy past gives way to a real and vital present. Who they have become turns out to be far more interesting than who they were. Their history is mined for much humor that spills into the present day. A lovely piece of work.

    It isn't all memories and nostalgia as Deborah and Mike are reunited after sixty years. The gauzy past gives way to a real and vital present. Who they have become turns out to be far more interesting than who they were. Their history is mined for much humor that spills into the present day. A lovely piece of work.

  • Arianna Rose: Senior Prom

    Best closing line ever! I'm a huge fan of any play that can work in "hamantaschen" and now I'm hungry for one. Thanks a lot, Robert Weibezahl. I had the great pleasure of hearing this play workshopped in our writers group. You'll have great empathy for both Deborah and Mike as they reminisce and possibly lay the foundation for their friendship to resume. An unexpected twist keeps this play firmly rooted in the present and causes the audience to examine our own preconceptions. Fantastic title too! Read, produce, and go find a Jewish bakery!

    Best closing line ever! I'm a huge fan of any play that can work in "hamantaschen" and now I'm hungry for one. Thanks a lot, Robert Weibezahl. I had the great pleasure of hearing this play workshopped in our writers group. You'll have great empathy for both Deborah and Mike as they reminisce and possibly lay the foundation for their friendship to resume. An unexpected twist keeps this play firmly rooted in the present and causes the audience to examine our own preconceptions. Fantastic title too! Read, produce, and go find a Jewish bakery!