
by CK Brestman

(MONOLOGUE. 1100 words, ~7 mins)

What happens when trying to be everything others expect us to be leads us to forget who we are?
A reflection on self-image and the many variations of ourselves we inhabit to conform to the groups around us.

(MONOLOGUE. 1100 words, ~7 mins)

What happens when trying to be everything others expect us to be leads us to forget who we are?
A reflection on self-image and the many variations of ourselves we inhabit to conform to the groups around us.

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  • Izolda Trakhtenberg: Persona

    Who are you, right now? That's the question Persona asks you to answer. This piece asked me if I know who I present to the world? How does that facade change? You'll think about the premise and what it asks of you long after you finish reading it. The writing is tight and snappy. I enjoyed this very much.

    Who are you, right now? That's the question Persona asks you to answer. This piece asked me if I know who I present to the world? How does that facade change? You'll think about the premise and what it asks of you long after you finish reading it. The writing is tight and snappy. I enjoyed this very much.

  • Rich Helms: Persona

    What a wonderful premise: “… I’d left my apartment without figuring out which me I was wearing.” Grabs you right from the start. An actor could have a lot of fun playing with the various me's in the script. Fun plays on words and commentary of modern family life.

    What a wonderful premise: “… I’d left my apartment without figuring out which me I was wearing.” Grabs you right from the start. An actor could have a lot of fun playing with the various me's in the script. Fun plays on words and commentary of modern family life.

  • Lou Jones: Persona

    I highly recommend Persona. I feel many people will relate to wearing many hats and being the person you're expected to be depending on the situation. CK Brestman takes it further with being the person they needed to be to survive the various life situations growing up. Behind this monologue we also see a very touching story. Just lovely.

    I highly recommend Persona. I feel many people will relate to wearing many hats and being the person you're expected to be depending on the situation. CK Brestman takes it further with being the person they needed to be to survive the various life situations growing up. Behind this monologue we also see a very touching story. Just lovely.

Character Information

  • Guy
    The man of a thousand faces, who knows how to be anybody that everybody expects him to be. Except himself.
    Character Age