by Craig Houk

1 Female, 1 Male • One Act Playlet • ~20 Mins

An estate lawyer pays a strategic visit to a man hellbent on finding his other shoe.

1 Female, 1 Male • One Act Playlet • ~20 Mins

An estate lawyer pays a strategic visit to a man hellbent on finding his other shoe.

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  • Vince Gatton: LOST SOLE

    First of all, there's that opening: the nerve of Craig Houk to sustain that long a sequence of dialogue with literally no one on stage! It's its own little screw-you to convention and expectations, and the suspenseful and charming Southern gothic two-hander that follows is rich in atmosphere, queer cultural history, and juicy family drama. Chewy, chilly, and fully satisfying.

    First of all, there's that opening: the nerve of Craig Houk to sustain that long a sequence of dialogue with literally no one on stage! It's its own little screw-you to convention and expectations, and the suspenseful and charming Southern gothic two-hander that follows is rich in atmosphere, queer cultural history, and juicy family drama. Chewy, chilly, and fully satisfying.