Recommendations of Comfortably Mum

  • Ken Love: Comfortably Mum

    I absolutely love it when writers "riff" on music, namely songs, be it jazz, country, rock, et al. I've been hooked on Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" since it's debut on the album "The Wall" in 1982. And Mr. Plumridge's riff, "Comfortably Mum", serves as an engaging, funny and even poignant comment on a well known classic rock tune. I can only pray to see it live!!

    I absolutely love it when writers "riff" on music, namely songs, be it jazz, country, rock, et al. I've been hooked on Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" since it's debut on the album "The Wall" in 1982. And Mr. Plumridge's riff, "Comfortably Mum", serves as an engaging, funny and even poignant comment on a well known classic rock tune. I can only pray to see it live!!

  • James Perry: Comfortably Mum

    This monologue beautifully captures the balance of coping with life's challenges and finding comfort in the everyday. I do believe it’s working, good.

    This monologue beautifully captures the balance of coping with life's challenges and finding comfort in the everyday. I do believe it’s working, good.

  • John Busser: Comfortably Mum

    If you need further proof that having children is like going off to war, look no further than this cracker of a monologue by Chris Plumridge. It exudes an almost battlefront weariness as Sophie drinks to ease her troubles, the hand, a reminder that her battles have left some scars. Plus, that great title!

    If you need further proof that having children is like going off to war, look no further than this cracker of a monologue by Chris Plumridge. It exudes an almost battlefront weariness as Sophie drinks to ease her troubles, the hand, a reminder that her battles have left some scars. Plus, that great title!

  • Morey Norkin: Comfortably Mum

    Chris Plumridge has a talent for creating imperfect characters who are completely relatable. Sophie is a perfect example. Plumridge makes great use of an unseen children’s party and a very visible bottle of wine to bring Sophie to life with a blend of humor and pathos on perhaps not one of her best days. Actresses will have a blast with this.

    Chris Plumridge has a talent for creating imperfect characters who are completely relatable. Sophie is a perfect example. Plumridge makes great use of an unseen children’s party and a very visible bottle of wine to bring Sophie to life with a blend of humor and pathos on perhaps not one of her best days. Actresses will have a blast with this.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Comfortably Mum

    I believe Detective John Pie, P.I. may have visited Ms Sophie recently! The subtle song lyrics as inspiration to a whole character in this monologue are fun to hunt for. A word search of sorts. But Sophie is a real person, too. The monologue feels very natural and relatable. A great tribute to moms, Pink Floyd, and of course, wine!

    I believe Detective John Pie, P.I. may have visited Ms Sophie recently! The subtle song lyrics as inspiration to a whole character in this monologue are fun to hunt for. A word search of sorts. But Sophie is a real person, too. The monologue feels very natural and relatable. A great tribute to moms, Pink Floyd, and of course, wine!

  • Jonny Bolduc: Comfortably Mum

    I can see this monolouge play out onstage in my mind and I would love to see it. There's so much room to play and build a character here, so much to say, so much of it stuffed down or drowned in wine. After all, quiet desperation is the English way. A great audition or short piece to add to a festival; excellent work here.

    I can see this monolouge play out onstage in my mind and I would love to see it. There's so much room to play and build a character here, so much to say, so much of it stuffed down or drowned in wine. After all, quiet desperation is the English way. A great audition or short piece to add to a festival; excellent work here.

  • Asher Wyndham: Comfortably Mum

    This disheveled mom bursts off the page with her foul mouth. She wins us over with her tired existence, talking to us like we are right in the room with, like we're another mum. I won't give the revelation away, just say that it comes out believably. So much happens in this monologue, addressing various unseen characters that you can picture the setting and scene unfolding.

    This disheveled mom bursts off the page with her foul mouth. She wins us over with her tired existence, talking to us like we are right in the room with, like we're another mum. I won't give the revelation away, just say that it comes out believably. So much happens in this monologue, addressing various unseen characters that you can picture the setting and scene unfolding.