Recommendations of Asterisk Kisses

  • Tiana Marie: Asterisk Kisses

    I enjoyed this a lot. I can completely imagine these two characters and I was on the edge of my seat to find out what happens.

    I enjoyed this a lot. I can completely imagine these two characters and I was on the edge of my seat to find out what happens.

  • Christopher Plumridge: Asterisk Kisses

    This is a beautiful short two hander, a sweet dance reminiscent of Carmen, will they, won't they? So much told yet untold, why did she agree to meet him yet be reluctant to grant him his first "proper" kiss. I'm a sucker for this type of tale and I loved this play!

    This is a beautiful short two hander, a sweet dance reminiscent of Carmen, will they, won't they? So much told yet untold, why did she agree to meet him yet be reluctant to grant him his first "proper" kiss. I'm a sucker for this type of tale and I loved this play!

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Asterisk Kisses

    Weaver has done it again! Woven a tale of kisses that moves me, and I am so not romantic. He is a true kissing genius! This piece surprises and lands beautifully.

    Weaver has done it again! Woven a tale of kisses that moves me, and I am so not romantic. He is a true kissing genius! This piece surprises and lands beautifully.

  • Len Cuthbert: Asterisk Kisses

    Desperation and sincere affection are woven together in this bit of a cat and mouse encounter that has a gentle and satisfying outcome. Touching and humorous. Classic: "But maybe you’re the right wrong person?"

    Desperation and sincere affection are woven together in this bit of a cat and mouse encounter that has a gentle and satisfying outcome. Touching and humorous. Classic: "But maybe you’re the right wrong person?"

  • Cheryl Bear: Asterisk Kisses

    An absolutely wonderful exchange between friends. Before a wedding they both prep each other for the next steps in their lives, encouraging each other not to settle and to get all they deserve. Of course, life goes on. Well done.

    An absolutely wonderful exchange between friends. Before a wedding they both prep each other for the next steps in their lives, encouraging each other not to settle and to get all they deserve. Of course, life goes on. Well done.

  • Molly Wagner: Asterisk Kisses

    I love love love the idea of asterisk kisses and it is brought up in a such a fun and cute way. Each reveal about Logan and Jessica's relationship was timed just right, unfolding exactly when it needed to.

    I love love love the idea of asterisk kisses and it is brought up in a such a fun and cute way. Each reveal about Logan and Jessica's relationship was timed just right, unfolding exactly when it needed to.

  • Ruben Carbajal: Asterisk Kisses

    Taking a seemingly simple premise, ASTERISK KISSES offers complexity, depth and real insight into the hearts of these two extremely well-drawn characters. Everything about this play is disarming and sly, continually raising the stakes and digging deeper until you find yourself at the edge of your seat rooting for both characters to find happiness. It's a play that will stay with you long after curtain.

    Taking a seemingly simple premise, ASTERISK KISSES offers complexity, depth and real insight into the hearts of these two extremely well-drawn characters. Everything about this play is disarming and sly, continually raising the stakes and digging deeper until you find yourself at the edge of your seat rooting for both characters to find happiness. It's a play that will stay with you long after curtain.

  • Ricardo Soltero-Brown: Asterisk Kisses

    Matthew Weaver at his best will easily equal or surpass the joys and charms of John Cariani, Craig Lucas, and Wendy Wasserstein. He's one of those playwrights, one of those reasons we remember our hearts, that we even have them, why we have them, and what they're for. These tales are the endgame, no matter what personal, political, or professional diatribe or drama came before or comes after, the bliss of a kiss is the whole point. Weaver, sly dog that he is, doesn't forget to remind us that everyone's taken, and that broken hearts will dare everything to mend.

    Matthew Weaver at his best will easily equal or surpass the joys and charms of John Cariani, Craig Lucas, and Wendy Wasserstein. He's one of those playwrights, one of those reasons we remember our hearts, that we even have them, why we have them, and what they're for. These tales are the endgame, no matter what personal, political, or professional diatribe or drama came before or comes after, the bliss of a kiss is the whole point. Weaver, sly dog that he is, doesn't forget to remind us that everyone's taken, and that broken hearts will dare everything to mend.