LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION: a Very Short Play About Children and Guns

by Scott Sickles


I was very angry when I wrote this.
Inspired after reading Greg Burdick's beautiful ONE IN THE CHAMBER, I needed to write my own take on gun legislation and school shootings.

Here it is.


I was very angry when I wrote this.
Inspired after reading Greg Burdick's beautiful ONE IN THE CHAMBER, I needed to write my own take on gun legislation and school shootings.

Here it is.

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LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION: a Very Short Play About Children and Guns

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  • Lainie Vansant: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION: a Very Short Play About Children and Guns

    Phew! This is dark and impactful. Sickles certainly drives home the point that something needs to be done about gun violence, and soon.

    Phew! This is dark and impactful. Sickles certainly drives home the point that something needs to be done about gun violence, and soon.

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION: a Very Short Play About Children and Guns

    I always have said when it comes to plays about shootings and gun control that it would be a wonderful thing if plays like this didn't have to be written. However, the haunting images that Scott creates in the stage directions that begin this piece won't fail in snapping an audience to attention as they witness the tragedies that occur in a world plagued by gun violence. I remember thinking when I read that this piece borders on 'Theatre of Cruelty' as it forces the audience to face the harsh realities. Emotive, powerful and is sure to hold an audience!

    I always have said when it comes to plays about shootings and gun control that it would be a wonderful thing if plays like this didn't have to be written. However, the haunting images that Scott creates in the stage directions that begin this piece won't fail in snapping an audience to attention as they witness the tragedies that occur in a world plagued by gun violence. I remember thinking when I read that this piece borders on 'Theatre of Cruelty' as it forces the audience to face the harsh realities. Emotive, powerful and is sure to hold an audience!

  • David Patton: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION: a Very Short Play About Children and Guns

    Like many of us living in the land of god and guns, I've watched with increasing horror, anger and helplessness at the recent and ongoing slaughter of our school kids...babies, barely older than toddlers some of them. Scott reaches into the horror of kids waiting to be slaughtered with this piece which plays like a horror story...you know...DON'T GO IN THE BASEMENT! Except...except there is no basement and the bogey man is very real. This should be an ad on TV, not for gun control, but for banning the fucking things entirely!!! could be his finest

    Like many of us living in the land of god and guns, I've watched with increasing horror, anger and helplessness at the recent and ongoing slaughter of our school kids...babies, barely older than toddlers some of them. Scott reaches into the horror of kids waiting to be slaughtered with this piece which plays like a horror story...you know...DON'T GO IN THE BASEMENT! Except...except there is no basement and the bogey man is very real. This should be an ad on TV, not for gun control, but for banning the fucking things entirely!!! could be his finest

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