Celine Song

CELINE SONG's play ENDLINGS received its world premiere in 2019 at American Repertory Theater, and it had its New York premiere in 2020 at New York Theatre Workshop. It has been named a finalist for the 2020 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, and it was selected for the 2018 O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. The play was also included on the 2017 Kilroys list. Celine is a member of the Public Theater’s 2016-2017 Emerging Writers Group, Ars Nova’s 2014-2015 Play Group, and The Orchard Project's inaugural NYC Greenhouse 2018. She was a Playwrights Realm Writing Fellow from 2017-2018, a 2014 & 2016 Great Plains Theatre Conference Playwright, and she was a 2017 semifinalist for the P73 Playwriting Fellowship. Her play TOM & ELIZA was a semifinalist for the American Playwriting Foundation's...

CELINE SONG's play ENDLINGS received its world premiere in 2019 at American Repertory Theater, and it had its New York premiere in 2020 at New York Theatre Workshop. It has been named a finalist for the 2020 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, and it was selected for the 2018 O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. The play was also included on the 2017 Kilroys list. Celine is a member of the Public Theater’s 2016-2017 Emerging Writers Group, Ars Nova’s 2014-2015 Play Group, and The Orchard Project's inaugural NYC Greenhouse 2018. She was a Playwrights Realm Writing Fellow from 2017-2018, a 2014 & 2016 Great Plains Theatre Conference Playwright, and she was a 2017 semifinalist for the P73 Playwriting Fellowship. Her play TOM & ELIZA was a semifinalist for the American Playwriting Foundation's 2016 Relentless Award. Celine has been awarded residencies, fellowships, and commissions from MTC/Sloan, Sundance, the Millay Colony for the arts, the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, and the Edward F. Albee Foundation. She holds an M.F.A. from Columbia. Celine was a staff writer on S1 of Amazon's The WHEEL OF TIME.



by Celine Song


On the island of Man-Jae in Korea, three elderly women spend their dying days diving into the ocean to harvest seafood with nothing but a rusty knife. They are “haenyeos”— “sea women” —and there are no heiresses to their millennium-old tradition. ENDLINGS is a real estate lesson from the last three remaining “haenyeos” in the world: don’t live on an island. Unless it’s the island of Manhattan…

On the island of Man-Jae in Korea, three elderly women spend their dying days diving into the ocean to harvest seafood with nothing but a rusty knife. They are “haenyeos”— “sea women” —and there are no heiresses to their millennium-old tradition. ENDLINGS is a real estate lesson from the last three remaining “haenyeos” in the world: don’t live on an island. Unless it’s the island of Manhattan…

Tom & Eliza

by Celine Song


Tom’s mother and father made love, Tom was born, Tom grew up, Tom entered this restaurant, Tom is on a date with Eliza. Eliza’s mother and father made love, Eliza was born, Eliza grew up, Eliza entered this restaurant, Eliza is on a date with Tom. TOM & ELIZA is a play about two people marching relentlessly towards the future.

Tom’s mother and father made love, Tom was born, Tom grew up, Tom entered this restaurant, Tom is on a date with Eliza. Eliza’s mother and father made love, Eliza was born, Eliza grew up, Eliza entered this restaurant, Eliza is on a date with Tom. TOM & ELIZA is a play about two people marching relentlessly towards the future.


by Celine Song


Family is a play about being born into a violent planet. After their father's funeral, half-siblings Alice, Linus, and David sit quietly in the house they grew up in. Soon, they begin to hear, smell, taste, and see very awful things.

Family is a play about being born into a violent planet. After their father's funeral, half-siblings Alice, Linus, and David sit quietly in the house they grew up in. Soon, they begin to hear, smell, taste, and see very awful things.

The Feast

by Celine Song


The dinner guests wait for the host's husband to eat. In their maddening hunger, they devour the latecomer when he finally arrives.

The dinner guests wait for the host's husband to eat. In their maddening hunger, they devour the latecomer when he finally arrives.