Trucker Rhapsody's main character is Damian Monroe (Football) Williams, the young man who, at age 17, threw a cinderblock at truck driver Reginald Denny's head and changed the course of his own life forever. 30+ scenes take place across time and space, in and out of jail, and at the corner of Florence and Normandie. Williams spars throughout with Riot 208, a NYC graffiti artist named after Denny's truck. The...
Trucker Rhapsody's main character is Damian Monroe (Football) Williams, the young man who, at age 17, threw a cinderblock at truck driver Reginald Denny's head and changed the course of his own life forever. 30+ scenes take place across time and space, in and out of jail, and at the corner of Florence and Normandie. Williams spars throughout with Riot 208, a NYC graffiti artist named after Denny's truck. The play is based on my correspondence with both these young (at the time) men (Riot 208 stopped corresponding with me after I contacted Williams). Characters include Denny, Williams' mother Georgianna, and two of the four people who rescued Denny, rushing him to the hospital after having seen his attack on television. Justice, as we've witnessed countless times in confrontations between men and boys of color and the police and private citizens taking the law into their own hands, has myriad permutations.