Doug Robinson

Doug Robinson (he/him) is a playwright, theater educator, and performer from Sterling, Virginia. He is currently a MFA Playwriting Candidate at the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale and has worked in Washing D.C., New York City, and Chicago.

His play The Figs was a finalist for the 2023 O’Neil New Play Conference and will have its world premiere at American Stage in the 23-24 season. In 2021 his play Capture the Flag was a recipient of the inaugural Reimagine Theatre for Young Audiences grant. At Yale, he has workshopped several plays including Cactus Queen and Story in Our Blood.

Doug’s latest play That Day, This Night was commissioned by Imagination Stage as a part of their Theatre For Very Young program. It centers around Winnie and August who will do whatever it takes to...

Doug Robinson (he/him) is a playwright, theater educator, and performer from Sterling, Virginia. He is currently a MFA Playwriting Candidate at the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale and has worked in Washing D.C., New York City, and Chicago.

His play The Figs was a finalist for the 2023 O’Neil New Play Conference and will have its world premiere at American Stage in the 23-24 season. In 2021 his play Capture the Flag was a recipient of the inaugural Reimagine Theatre for Young Audiences grant. At Yale, he has workshopped several plays including Cactus Queen and Story in Our Blood.

Doug’s latest play That Day, This Night was commissioned by Imagination Stage as a part of their Theatre For Very Young program. It centers around Winnie and August who will do whatever it takes to keep the sun up and the scary night at bay. The play will be presented in Imagination Stage’s 24-25 season.

Recently his play Love Like Tuesday premiered with Faction of Fools Theatre Company in Washington D.C. and earned a Helen Hayes recommendation. His plays have been commissioned at myriad theaters throughout the Washington D.C. metro area including The Kennedy Center, Faction of Fools, Rorschach Theatre Company, Ally Theatre Company, and Imagination Stage. He has also worked as a teaching artist at Imagination Stage, The Theatre Lab, and Adventure Theatre and as an actor has performed with various Shakespeare companies along the East coast.


The Figs

by Doug Robinson


A swan protects a boy named June. A princess loves a bartender named Lorna, The Devil cares for a friend named Death. And all alone on a blood soaked throne, a king craves figs.

A swan protects a boy named June. A princess loves a bartender named Lorna, The Devil cares for a friend named Death. And all alone on a blood soaked throne, a king craves figs.

Capture the Flag

by Doug Robinson


On the last day of summer vacation all the kids in the neighborhood gather in the woods for their annual game of Capture the Flag. This summer tradition has been passed down from kid generation to kid generation. Teams are chosen, traps are laid, flags are hidden, and glory is won. But this summer something is different. Someone is missing. A heaviness weighs on the game as the kids grapple with and attempt to...

On the last day of summer vacation all the kids in the neighborhood gather in the woods for their annual game of Capture the Flag. This summer tradition has been passed down from kid generation to kid generation. Teams are chosen, traps are laid, flags are hidden, and glory is won. But this summer something is different. Someone is missing. A heaviness weighs on the game as the kids grapple with and attempt to come to terms with their feelings of loss and friendship.

Pride of Doves

by Doug Robinson


At the end of the world Sylvia, Viktor, and Emmett search for meaning in the brutal murder of a dove.

At the end of the world Sylvia, Viktor, and Emmett search for meaning in the brutal murder of a dove.

Love Like Tuesday

by Doug Robinson


Doreen Dawkins triumphs as the best lunch lady to ever grace the kitchens of Pangolin High, despite being equipped with an oven that won't go above 175 degrees. Between that and caring for her ailing mother, Doreen has a full plate with no extra room for dessert…and certainly no space for love. And how could she with high school students ever reliant on her support, Principal Foggybottom's battle with the budget...

Doreen Dawkins triumphs as the best lunch lady to ever grace the kitchens of Pangolin High, despite being equipped with an oven that won't go above 175 degrees. Between that and caring for her ailing mother, Doreen has a full plate with no extra room for dessert…and certainly no space for love. And how could she with high school students ever reliant on her support, Principal Foggybottom's battle with the budget, or Janitor Silver sneaking into her kitchen to prepare his famous boot stew? Doreen is surrounded with the whirlwind of life, but time stands still when an old high school flame, Cameron Noodle, fills a long-term sub position at Pangolin High. In a society where hearts-falling-out-of-your-eyes is reserved for "young love", can a middle aged lunch lady still experience love like fireworks?

That Day, This Night

by Doug Robinson


Winnie and August love everything about the day time! They have it so much that they built a machine that keeps the sun up all day long. But when the machine breaks the two are plunged into night time. The dark can be a scary place but maybe, just maybe there is a beauty to the night that is ready to be explored!

Winnie and August love everything about the day time! They have it so much that they built a machine that keeps the sun up all day long. But when the machine breaks the two are plunged into night time. The dark can be a scary place but maybe, just maybe there is a beauty to the night that is ready to be explored!

Soft Apples

by Doug Robinson


An experiment in 2nd person narrative theatre. You are invited to a 7 night theatrical event. Each night more explosive than the last. Come you lovers of the stage. Come and be thanked for all the support you give.

An experiment in 2nd person narrative theatre. You are invited to a 7 night theatrical event. Each night more explosive than the last. Come you lovers of the stage. Come and be thanked for all the support you give.

The Garden

by Doug Robinson


Life is perfect in the town of Arden if you are one of the favored. For everyone else it's a life of looking over your shoulder and questioning who to trust. Those who break the rules in Arden are sent off to the Garden. After three days they return a husk of their former selves. When Isolde is taken to the Garden Trinnie and her friends will do everything they can to get her back, and in doing so uncover...

Life is perfect in the town of Arden if you are one of the favored. For everyone else it's a life of looking over your shoulder and questioning who to trust. Those who break the rules in Arden are sent off to the Garden. After three days they return a husk of their former selves. When Isolde is taken to the Garden Trinnie and her friends will do everything they can to get her back, and in doing so uncover secrets that will change Arden forever.

Before the Sun Comes Up

by Doug Robinson


Kayla's Dad is dead. Her ex boyfriend came to the funeral. As the sun rises the two try to figure out what support means now.

Kayla's Dad is dead. Her ex boyfriend came to the funeral. As the sun rises the two try to figure out what support means now.


by Doug Robinson


Desperate to talk to her dead son Tanya attempts to use magic to reach the afterlife.

Desperate to talk to her dead son Tanya attempts to use magic to reach the afterlife.

Beautiful, Ugly, and Weird Birdhouses

by Doug Robinson


Come celebrate your Death Day. Doug has recently died and come face to face with the end of all things. Maybe now he'll finally get an answer to the meaning of life.

Come celebrate your Death Day. Doug has recently died and come face to face with the end of all things. Maybe now he'll finally get an answer to the meaning of life.

Pocket Duck

by Doug Robinson


A kid finds a hurt baby duck on his walk to school and decides to bring it with him. Would could possibly go wrong?

A kid finds a hurt baby duck on his walk to school and decides to bring it with him. Would could possibly go wrong?