CONTACT: Madeline Puccioni
6430 Mystic Street
Oakland, CA, 94618
510 318 0410


Madeline Lowe Puccioni
510 318 0410
​OAKLAND, CA 94618

Company Member
Towne Street Theatre
L.A.'s Premiere African American Theatre Company...
CONTACT: Madeline Puccioni
6430 Mystic Street
Oakland, CA, 94618
510 318 0410


Madeline Lowe Puccioni
510 318 0410
​OAKLAND, CA 94618

Company Member
Towne Street Theatre
L.A.'s Premiere African American Theatre Company
Celebrating 21years in 2014

Company Member
PlayGround SF
Playwrights Center SF
SF Olympians Festival

​Dramatists Guild
International Centre for Women Playwrights
American Association of Community Theatres​
Theatre Communications Group
Theatre Bay Area​
TBA Adjudicator​

Madeline Puccioni is a “re-entry” playwright, delighted to be back at work after grading college English essays for 30 years.. She’s had a number of short plays produced in S.F., NYC, and L.A. recently, and is working on two longer plays and a screenplay at present. Madeline lives in Oakland with her husband Monroe, and two insane chihuahuas. She is a member of PlayGround SF, Towne Street Theatre L.A., PlayWrights Center SF, SF Olympians Festival, AAACT, Dramatists Guild and the International Centre for Women Playwrights.

Her first one-act, LAUNDROMAT, was produced by the Julian Theatre in 1980 and published in Shameless Hussy Press. Her first full-length, “TWO O’CLOCK FEEDING,” was produced in 1985 at the Magic Theatre in SF and published in West Coast Plays. This year, her 10 minute play, THE INTERVIEW, was produced at the Towne Street Theatre, L.A., in February, and again in June, in the SHEHEREZADE FESTIVAL at The Exit Theatre in S.F. Her 10 minute chihuahua comedy, YAPPY HOUR, was produced at The Players Theatre, NYC, in its Valentine’s Day Festival, SexFEST, in February 2014.

Her 10 minute play, DARK WINDOWS , (which was short listed for the Vittum Award), had a fine six week production in Sept./Oct. 2014, in Pegasus Theatre’s Tapas Festival. Her first play for the SF Olympians, THE IMMORTAL WALLS OF TROY, was a finalist for the Stanley Drama Award. Her one act, GERTRUDE , (yes, THAT Gertrude) an Elizabethan-ish verse play and a “sequel” to Hamlet, was a finalist for the Windsor Fringe U.K., in June. Her new one act, THE THREE GRAEAE MEET PERSEUS AND A BANANA PEEL, had a staged reading at the Exit Theatre in SF last November, during the San Francisco Olympians Festival. She is now a member of PlayGround SF, Playwrights Center SF, The Towne Street Theatre Co. (L.A.), SF Olympians Festival, PlayCafe Berkeley, and PlayWrights Center Minn. ( She will see her next SF Olympian drama, EURYBIA AND THE PIRATE QUEEN, performed at The Exit Theatre in November 2015, and will have a number of her new 10 minute plays staged in PlayGround’s Monday Night PlayGround Series at The Berkeley Rep Theatre.


JANUARY 2015 WAR BABIES (PlayGround Theatre, Berkeley Rep)
MARCH 2015 GOONERS (Theatre Bay Area Conference, Berkeley Rep)
APRIL 2015 GOONERS (Dramatists Guild Showcase, Tides Theatre SF)
AUG 2015 WONDERPEOPLE - THEATRE 906, The Public Theatre, Chicago
OCT 2015 SQUEEK! PlayGround SF, at Berkeley Rep and Robles Theatre, Stanford
OCT 2015 FIRST AND TEN, DO IT AGAIN! Playwrights Center SF, Custom Made Theatre SF
Foundadion, Brava Theatre, SF


    We are in GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON’S spacious living room in Washington D.C., in 1938. It is a meeting of her SATURDAY NIGHT SALON - called THE SATURDAY NIGHTERS - where she hosts struggling black artists, activists and writers, many of whom are or will be luminaries of the HARLEM RENAISSANCE. Tonight we meet OSWALD VILLARD, who co-founded the NAACP and co-edits the magazine CRISIS with W.E.B. du...
    We are in GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON’S spacious living room in Washington D.C., in 1938. It is a meeting of her SATURDAY NIGHT SALON - called THE SATURDAY NIGHTERS - where she hosts struggling black artists, activists and writers, many of whom are or will be luminaries of the HARLEM RENAISSANCE. Tonight we meet OSWALD VILLARD, who co-founded the NAACP and co-edits the magazine CRISIS with W.E.B. du Bois; LANGSTON HUGHES ZORA NEALE HURSTON, a 37 year old anthropologist and novelist, just back from Haiti, where she has been studying Vodun and folk dialects. Du Bois has sent OSWALD with a list of possible cuts for Georgia’s play, AND YET THEY PAUSED, which is based on true events, involving the lynching of two men in Duck Hill, Mississippi. Georgia and her friends read the play, drink and squabble, and Georgia resists most of Oswald’s cuts and changes. “Oz” finally realizes the horror at the center of this play, and its importance: perhaps it alone can change how white people feel about lynching, and help pass the Wagner Anti Lynching Bill currently stalled in the Senate. But will lynching stop, even after the bill is passed? Has, in fact, lynching ever stopped? “Young black man has him a dream, white folks got to stop him somehow,” says Georgia’s Reverend Williams. “What happens to a dream deferred?” writes Langston, many years later.

    Who are we now, America? What have we become since Election 2016? Has the “American Dream” become a nightmare from which we cannot wake up? What has become of the dream we thought we knew: “All men are created equal?” Has it shattered into tweets and retweets, likes and lies? Or has it always been a lie? MONTICELLO 2020 is the story of a family...and its journey through...

    Who are we now, America? What have we become since Election 2016? Has the “American Dream” become a nightmare from which we cannot wake up? What has become of the dream we thought we knew: “All men are created equal?” Has it shattered into tweets and retweets, likes and lies? Or has it always been a lie? MONTICELLO 2020 is the story of a family...and its journey through slavery and Jim Crow and lynchings and violent racism, down through the years, to create space in this world, for a new baby girl who may unite them at last.
  • FINDING MEDUSA (THE MUSICAL) (Madeline Puccioni, Book & Lyrics; Jeff Dunn, Music)
    PERSEUS wants to be a great hero like Prometheus someday--but right now, he needs to save his mother, Queen Danae, from the clutches of evil KING POLYDECTES. ATHENA offers him a chance to be a hero, win a “Glorious Destiny” ---and she will protect his mother. All he has to do is slay the monster MEDUSA and bring ATHENA her snake-covered head. Oh, and while he's at it, slay her evil old sisters, The...
    PERSEUS wants to be a great hero like Prometheus someday--but right now, he needs to save his mother, Queen Danae, from the clutches of evil KING POLYDECTES. ATHENA offers him a chance to be a hero, win a “Glorious Destiny” ---and she will protect his mother. All he has to do is slay the monster MEDUSA and bring ATHENA her snake-covered head. Oh, and while he's at it, slay her evil old sisters, The Three Graeae, as well. PERSEUS takes his Mom to ATHENA’S temple for sanctuary, and sails off to Sarpedon to slay MEDUSA, who knows he’s coming and has some profound surprises in store for him. He’ll have to resist pretty PAMMY, MEDUSA’S seductive youngest sister, and outwit her cannibal older sisters ENYO and DEINO, who want only to chop him up into tasty little bites. But what will PERSEUS lose, if he slays these ancient monsters? Will he become the hero he wants to be? Achieve his Glorious Destiny? Or must he first find the monster -- within?
    Dr. Kate Wells, Chief Forensic Psychologist at Colusa State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, must determine whether her new patient, Cass Porter, (who calls herself Cassandra, Princess of the House of Troy,), is genuinely insane, or faking insanity to avoid trial for murder. Despite her skepticism, and her training, Kate forms a mysterious attachment to Cass, an ancient bond she cannot explain. Will...
    Dr. Kate Wells, Chief Forensic Psychologist at Colusa State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, must determine whether her new patient, Cass Porter, (who calls herself Cassandra, Princess of the House of Troy,), is genuinely insane, or faking insanity to avoid trial for murder. Despite her skepticism, and her training, Kate forms a mysterious attachment to Cass, an ancient bond she cannot explain. Will Cass risk her freedom -- and her life -- to convince Kate there is a “dark and evil” secret at Colusa? Will Kate risk her reputation -- and her sanity -- to believe Cass -- in time to save both of their lives?

    THE CASSANDRA MURDERS is also an award winning screenplay, and has won "Best Script" in the Scriptwriters & Co International Film Festival, and the Hawaiian International Film Festival. It is a Finalist in the Dublin Film Awards Festival, and may advance in the next round.
    Someone is murdering young Central American women who have been drugged and trafficked and forced to work "The Blade" -- Oakland's infamous International Blvd. After the 7th woman is murdered, and posed as a Madonna in a local Church, Dr. Risa Owens, ex-FBI profiler, and a genuine psychic, is called in by Detective Ghil Connelly to help. Risa is now head of a W.E.W.I.N., a non-profit which...
    Someone is murdering young Central American women who have been drugged and trafficked and forced to work "The Blade" -- Oakland's infamous International Blvd. After the 7th woman is murdered, and posed as a Madonna in a local Church, Dr. Risa Owens, ex-FBI profiler, and a genuine psychic, is called in by Detective Ghil Connelly to help. Risa is now head of a W.E.W.I.N., a non-profit which helps women escape The Blade. She will risk her sanity and her marriage to find the monster who is targeting "her girls"--- but will she risk her life?
    LOUISE has a beautiful new baby, KATY, whom she adores -- and she’s just been admitted into the MFA program at SFSU. Life is good. But Katy, like most new babies, screams. All the time. All the time. But Louise is doing fine. She’s a published poet. How hard can this new motherhood thing be? GEORGE, her husband, is a rock star Neonatologist, but, despite his promises, he’s never home. Louise is all...
    LOUISE has a beautiful new baby, KATY, whom she adores -- and she’s just been admitted into the MFA program at SFSU. Life is good. But Katy, like most new babies, screams. All the time. All the time. But Louise is doing fine. She’s a published poet. How hard can this new motherhood thing be? GEORGE, her husband, is a rock star Neonatologist, but, despite his promises, he’s never home. Louise is all alone in this big new city, but she doesn’t need help, really -- just a few hours’ sleep. She’s doing fine. Isn’t she? But Katy screams. And screams. Will LOUISE survive, in this terrifying and surreal new world of fatigue and isolation? Will Katy?
  • SQUEEK! (copywright October 2015, MADELINE PUCCIONI)
    It is the year 2542. We are in the livingroom of Family 9479, Quarry Level 4, at dinnertime. Earth is dying, and the last of the water is pumped up from deep aquifers and sold in plastic bottles. Like most KochRoaches, Family 9479 are half human, half cockroach. They can survive on very little water, thanks to the miracle of recombinant DNA. They work the pumps, living in deep, rigidly controlled warrens....
    It is the year 2542. We are in the livingroom of Family 9479, Quarry Level 4, at dinnertime. Earth is dying, and the last of the water is pumped up from deep aquifers and sold in plastic bottles. Like most KochRoaches, Family 9479 are half human, half cockroach. They can survive on very little water, thanks to the miracle of recombinant DNA. They work the pumps, living in deep, rigidly controlled warrens. JUSTIN hopes to pass the LEVEL 3 exams and move his family up to LEVEL 3, but BABY LULU drinks all the water they have for the week, at dinner, as they are saying grace. An extra BOTTLE OF WATER will cost 15 Nestles, more than the Level 3 exam fee, for which they’ve all worked so hard to save. Can PAPA trade his GOLD WATCH to THE WATER MAN for the extra bottle of water? Or will MAMA and BABY LULU have to take matters into their own … pincers?
    RUTH grieves for her daughter ELLIE, who was one of seventeen people, students and teachers, shot at Stoneman Douglas High School, on Valentine's Day 2018. Ruth comes to Ellie's room every night, wraps herself in Ellie's tiger blanket and talks to her daughter, keeps her cluttered room just the way it was. But this night, Ellie visits her and begs her to get some help, and to move on..."...
    RUTH grieves for her daughter ELLIE, who was one of seventeen people, students and teachers, shot at Stoneman Douglas High School, on Valentine's Day 2018. Ruth comes to Ellie's room every night, wraps herself in Ellie's tiger blanket and talks to her daughter, keeps her cluttered room just the way it was. But this night, Ellie visits her and begs her to get some help, and to move on..."so I can." Ellie urges her Mom to clean up her room, and stop hoarding bits of her hair, her gym socks. Can Ruth listen to her daughter and join a support group --- and try to help the broken kids like Nic, the shooter?
    CYNTHIA re-imagines Euripides' HECUBA and updates it to the last days of the American Civil War. Sherman is marching on Atlanta, and slave-owner General Bremerton of The Acropolis, must sell four slaves in order to pay his regiment. One of them is Polly, his wife's young maid and "companion." CYNTHIA BREMERTON throws a fit and refuses to let him sell Polly to Major Achilles, of Spring...
    CYNTHIA re-imagines Euripides' HECUBA and updates it to the last days of the American Civil War. Sherman is marching on Atlanta, and slave-owner General Bremerton of The Acropolis, must sell four slaves in order to pay his regiment. One of them is Polly, his wife's young maid and "companion." CYNTHIA BREMERTON throws a fit and refuses to let him sell Polly to Major Achilles, of Spring Field, a neighboring plantation. Bremerton tells her the contract is signed and Achilles will collect his purchases that afternoon. Cynthia begs Achilles not to take her Polly, whom she loves like a daughter. What dark secret has Cynthia kept for seventeen long years? How will Polly -- and she--finally escape The Acropolis ---and find freedom?
    VAL and THEO care only about Grandaddy's new will; but what if there's a murderer in the creepy old house, a murderer who may be lurking in the library --with a knife?
    HORACE comes home from his grey job to his grey apartment and finds a beautiful Jamaican woman in his kitchen, singing along to Bob Marley, and cooking Brown Fish Stew. AMAYA thinks it is HER kitchen, and her apartment, until she realizes, as she tries to chase HORACE with a knife, that she cannot leave this kitchen, and she has returned to it, once again, to find out what happened in it, years ago. She is a...
    HORACE comes home from his grey job to his grey apartment and finds a beautiful Jamaican woman in his kitchen, singing along to Bob Marley, and cooking Brown Fish Stew. AMAYA thinks it is HER kitchen, and her apartment, until she realizes, as she tries to chase HORACE with a knife, that she cannot leave this kitchen, and she has returned to it, once again, to find out what happened in it, years ago. She is a kind of ghost, a duppy, who cannot move on. Will HORACE help her find "justice and peace"? And her daughter JOCELYNE? And will AMAYA teach him return?
    Rico, an ageing chihuahua, abandoned years ago on Ocean Beach, must sing for his supper -- and for survival, on the mean cold streets of San Francisco. But his new friend, Jimmy, now homeless in SF, after being kicked out of his house for being gay, steals Rico's Santa hat and beard, hops the N Judah to panhandle in Union Square. . Rico gets picked up by Animal Control, a "Kill Shelter"...
    Rico, an ageing chihuahua, abandoned years ago on Ocean Beach, must sing for his supper -- and for survival, on the mean cold streets of San Francisco. But his new friend, Jimmy, now homeless in SF, after being kicked out of his house for being gay, steals Rico's Santa hat and beard, hops the N Judah to panhandle in Union Square. . Rico gets picked up by Animal Control, a "Kill Shelter" where he meets Lacey, a doomed Yorkie. Can Rico save Lacey, and sing his way out of the County Animal Control center before his time is up?
    Bad love, mad love, what's the game, what's the score, and who's playing? Ellery hides in a closet all night and swills down a bottle of Veuve and eats all the chocolates in the Valentine's Day box. What is Rob hiding from her? What's her name? WHERE DOES SHE LIVE?

    Love and loss,
    laughter and tears
    await each one of us here
    stronger than anger
    stronger than fear
    stronger than death --
    though death may us part--
    the love that pierces
    a human heart


    PIERCINGS, a full-length collection of “...

    Love and loss,
    laughter and tears
    await each one of us here
    stronger than anger
    stronger than fear
    stronger than death --
    though death may us part--
    the love that pierces
    a human heart


    PIERCINGS, a full-length collection of “sad and hilarious little love stories,” by Madeline Daly Puccioni. is a seventy-five minute evening of theatre, available for production. PIERCINGS was published by NEXT STAGE PRESS in September 2021. As such it is subject to the following conditions and requirements:

    CAUTION: Professionals and Amateurs are hereby warned that performance of PIERCINGS is subject to payment of a royalty. It is fully protected under the copyright laws of The United States of America, and of all countries covered by the International Copyright Union (including the Dominion of Canada and the rest of the British Commonwealth) and of all countries with which the United States has reciprocal copyright relations. All rights, including without limitation professional/amateur stage rights motion picture recitation, lecturing, publicreding, radio broadcasting, television, video or sound recording, all other forms of mechanical, electronic and digital reproduction, transmission and distribution, such as CD,DVD, the Internet, private and file-sharing networks, information storage and retrieval systems, photocopying, and the rights of translation into foreign languages are strictly reserved. Particular emphasis is placed upon the matter of readings, permission of which must be obtained from the Author in writing.
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    Love and loss,
    laughter and tears
    await each one of us here
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    though death may us part--
    the love that pierces
    a human heart


    PIERCINGS, a full-length collection of “...

    Love and loss,
    laughter and tears
    await each one of us here
    stronger than anger
    stronger than fear
    stronger than death --
    though death may us part--
    the love that pierces
    a human heart


    PIERCINGS, a full-length collection of “sad and hilarious little love stories,” by Madeline Daly Puccioni. is a seventy-five minute evening of theatre, available for production. PIERCINGS was published by NEXT STAGE PRESS in September 2021. As such it is subject to the following conditions and requirements:

    CAUTION: Professionals and Amateurs are hereby warned that performance of PIERCINGS is subject to payment of a royalty. It is fully protected under the copyright laws of The United States of America, and of all countries covered by the International Copyright Union (including the Dominion of Canada and the rest of the British Commonwealth) and of all countries with which the United States has reciprocal copyright relations. All rights, including without limitation professional/amateur stage rights motion picture recitation, lecturing, publicreding, radio broadcasting, television, video or sound recording, all other forms of mechanical, electronic and digital reproduction, transmission and distribution, such as CD,DVD, the Internet, private and file-sharing networks, information storage and retrieval systems, photocopying, and the rights of translation into foreign languages are strictly reserved. Particular emphasis is placed upon the matter of readings, permission of which must be obtained from the Author in writing.
    Bad love, mad love, Arsenal at Man City, money on the table, her future in the wind, Ellery hides in the closet and drinks a bottle of champagne on Valentine's day, and eats almost all the chocolates in the box. Why won't Rob talk to her? What is he hiding? What is her NAME and WHERE DOES SHE LIVE?