Recommended by Richard Lyons Conlon

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: UNMASKED

    A perfectly lovely murder mystery featuring the shrewd and delightful Stillwell sisters, amateur English sleuths whose combined powers of observation and deduction uncover the murderer. The mystery is compellingly unraveled amidst the charming interplay between Dorethea and Margarite. One sister is intuitive, one is analytical. So much fun as they come to the aid of Police Inspector Harry Collins in his stalled investigation of a masked murder at a Halloween masquerade party. Beautifully written for radio — I could hear it play out as I read! The Stillwells are right up there with the best of...

    A perfectly lovely murder mystery featuring the shrewd and delightful Stillwell sisters, amateur English sleuths whose combined powers of observation and deduction uncover the murderer. The mystery is compellingly unraveled amidst the charming interplay between Dorethea and Margarite. One sister is intuitive, one is analytical. So much fun as they come to the aid of Police Inspector Harry Collins in his stalled investigation of a masked murder at a Halloween masquerade party. Beautifully written for radio — I could hear it play out as I read! The Stillwells are right up there with the best of Agatha Christie sleuths.

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: The Fierce Urgency Of Now

    Doug Devita has given us a multitude of gifts in this fast-paced comedy set in a New York ad agency. Poor Kyle, a youngish art director at a high-powered agency is just trying to find love and fulfillment in his life and his work, but is being stymied at every turn by agency politics and vindictive higher-ups. This play can work at many levels: as an almost comedic farce, but also as an unexpectedly touching human drama, as Kyle finds unexpected friendship and meaning when paired with an old relic writing partner, whose story is both touching and inspiring.

    Doug Devita has given us a multitude of gifts in this fast-paced comedy set in a New York ad agency. Poor Kyle, a youngish art director at a high-powered agency is just trying to find love and fulfillment in his life and his work, but is being stymied at every turn by agency politics and vindictive higher-ups. This play can work at many levels: as an almost comedic farce, but also as an unexpectedly touching human drama, as Kyle finds unexpected friendship and meaning when paired with an old relic writing partner, whose story is both touching and inspiring.

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: The Fierce Urgency Of Now

    Doug Devita has given us a multitude of gifts in this fast-paced comedy set in a New York ad agency. Poor Kyle, a youngish art director at a high-powered agency is just trying to find love and fulfillment in his life and his work, but is being stymied at every turn by agency politics and vindictive higher-ups. This play can work at many levels: as an almost comedic farce, but also as an unexpectedly touching human drama, as Kyle finds unexpected friendship and meaning when paired with an old relic writing partner, whose story is both touching and inspiring.

    Doug Devita has given us a multitude of gifts in this fast-paced comedy set in a New York ad agency. Poor Kyle, a youngish art director at a high-powered agency is just trying to find love and fulfillment in his life and his work, but is being stymied at every turn by agency politics and vindictive higher-ups. This play can work at many levels: as an almost comedic farce, but also as an unexpectedly touching human drama, as Kyle finds unexpected friendship and meaning when paired with an old relic writing partner, whose story is both touching and inspiring.

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: Appetizers, or "On an Island Somewhere"

    This is a lovely, disturbing, terrifying cautionary tale. Perhaps not so cautionary, as this “Handmaid’s Tale”-adjacent scenario may not be that far off. Sickles presents deeply conflicted characters in an unnatural – and let’s face it, evil – scenario, and makes them, and the scenario, distressingly believable. An extremely well-done ten-minute journey that should make us all stand up and scream about what’s happening right now in our world. Because worlds like Sickles has created here don’t spring into existence overnight. Or without a lot of complicity and complacency.

    This is a lovely, disturbing, terrifying cautionary tale. Perhaps not so cautionary, as this “Handmaid’s Tale”-adjacent scenario may not be that far off. Sickles presents deeply conflicted characters in an unnatural – and let’s face it, evil – scenario, and makes them, and the scenario, distressingly believable. An extremely well-done ten-minute journey that should make us all stand up and scream about what’s happening right now in our world. Because worlds like Sickles has created here don’t spring into existence overnight. Or without a lot of complicity and complacency.

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: Vortigern - A True Story

    I’m amazed at how much I enjoyed this play! For a period piece about a “lost” Shakespeare play, it just simply moves, pulling you along relentlessly on a brilliant literary joyride. The action flows seamlessly from scene to scene and the richly depicted characters are charming, involving, and uniquely motivated -- their dialogue crisp and authentic to the times and the story. It reads like a caper, while giving the era the gravitas and respect it deserves. Really a brilliant work, this is a play Shakespeare devotees will love, as will the rest of us. Great cerebral entertainment.

    I’m amazed at how much I enjoyed this play! For a period piece about a “lost” Shakespeare play, it just simply moves, pulling you along relentlessly on a brilliant literary joyride. The action flows seamlessly from scene to scene and the richly depicted characters are charming, involving, and uniquely motivated -- their dialogue crisp and authentic to the times and the story. It reads like a caper, while giving the era the gravitas and respect it deserves. Really a brilliant work, this is a play Shakespeare devotees will love, as will the rest of us. Great cerebral entertainment.

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: Performance Anxiety [Or, On Being Late To A Virtual Work Call]

    Playwright Lipschutz delivers a ton of meta fun and a lot to think about in this hilarious take on the bane of everyone’s existence in these pandemical times: the Zoom call. He manages to send up both business Zooms and theatrical play Zooms -- and the surreal angst both can create. This would be such a fun play to produce and to experience. I hope I can see it one day – live, not streaming!

    Playwright Lipschutz delivers a ton of meta fun and a lot to think about in this hilarious take on the bane of everyone’s existence in these pandemical times: the Zoom call. He manages to send up both business Zooms and theatrical play Zooms -- and the surreal angst both can create. This would be such a fun play to produce and to experience. I hope I can see it one day – live, not streaming!

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: Ellis Island Ahead!

    How do you tell the stories of the hordes of people who passed through Ellis Island? Syran has done just that with her magical play "Ellis Island Ahead!". In fact, she's telling the story of all America and of all immigrants whether they went through E.I. or not.
    I marvel that a play can seem so epic and yet so intimate at the same time. Syran gives us a grand tour of Ellis Island, the place, and Ellis Island, the point in time, using fast-moving scenes and ever-changing characters (with myriad languages, accents, stories, songs, poems, and more). Excellent!

    How do you tell the stories of the hordes of people who passed through Ellis Island? Syran has done just that with her magical play "Ellis Island Ahead!". In fact, she's telling the story of all America and of all immigrants whether they went through E.I. or not.
    I marvel that a play can seem so epic and yet so intimate at the same time. Syran gives us a grand tour of Ellis Island, the place, and Ellis Island, the point in time, using fast-moving scenes and ever-changing characters (with myriad languages, accents, stories, songs, poems, and more). Excellent!

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: Modern Miracle

    Hilarious rethinking and updating of two classic biblical tales: the feeding of the masses and the last supper. Except here everything goes wrong, thanks to a group of obnoxious friends Jesús is trying desperately to feed and to please in his new apartment. The only miracle here is that he wants to be friends with these over-demanding, super-picky people! Extremely funny play. This would be so much fun to stage . . . or to watch!

    Hilarious rethinking and updating of two classic biblical tales: the feeding of the masses and the last supper. Except here everything goes wrong, thanks to a group of obnoxious friends Jesús is trying desperately to feed and to please in his new apartment. The only miracle here is that he wants to be friends with these over-demanding, super-picky people! Extremely funny play. This would be so much fun to stage . . . or to watch!

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: 1 = 0

    Incredible play! Here's my mini-review for NPX: "Just saw a Ubiquitous Players’ reading of this remarkable play. Brilliantly written and intellectually challenging (and stimulating), 1=0 pits reality against lies, and belief in the unbelievable against blind adherence to traditionally accepted fact. The beautiful thing about this science-infused work is how Fardon leads the audience into a relatable middle ground between large theory and quantum small, and keeps it all very human (Lauren Gunderson, anyone?). The characters and the action tiptoe on the edge of absurdity while always remaining...

    Incredible play! Here's my mini-review for NPX: "Just saw a Ubiquitous Players’ reading of this remarkable play. Brilliantly written and intellectually challenging (and stimulating), 1=0 pits reality against lies, and belief in the unbelievable against blind adherence to traditionally accepted fact. The beautiful thing about this science-infused work is how Fardon leads the audience into a relatable middle ground between large theory and quantum small, and keeps it all very human (Lauren Gunderson, anyone?). The characters and the action tiptoe on the edge of absurdity while always remaining grounded . . . and accessible. Quite an achievement."

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: The Dove

    A terrific thriller-drama-comedy -- ten minutes simply packed with emotion, conflict, and mystery. A seemingly ordinary older couple about to "lay-me-down-to-sleep" launch unexpectedly into a story-telling session that quickly becomes a high-stakes psychological game of cat-and-mouse. A fascinating story and two great roles for actors of a certain age. I saw this in a Naked Angels Tuesdays@9 reading and was riveted. I would love to see this fully produced!

    A terrific thriller-drama-comedy -- ten minutes simply packed with emotion, conflict, and mystery. A seemingly ordinary older couple about to "lay-me-down-to-sleep" launch unexpectedly into a story-telling session that quickly becomes a high-stakes psychological game of cat-and-mouse. A fascinating story and two great roles for actors of a certain age. I saw this in a Naked Angels Tuesdays@9 reading and was riveted. I would love to see this fully produced!