Nick Raio

Nick Raio is a native New Yorker raised in the Bronx and now dividing his time between NYC and South Florida. The artsy side of Nick didn't surface until his mid-30's,when after working 13 years as a NY State Prison guard in places like Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, he realized he had made a bad career choice. Nick moved into real estate sales next as a full time gig and started working in local theatre, Vassar College films, inter active dinner theatre and for Japanese TV filming reenactments of American news stories in the Hudson Valley area of NY State where he then lived. He had an epiphany when he actually started getting paid for his acting work and decided that was what he wanted to do for a living. After an amiable divorce (she helped him carry his things out...

Nick Raio is a native New Yorker raised in the Bronx and now dividing his time between NYC and South Florida. The artsy side of Nick didn't surface until his mid-30's,when after working 13 years as a NY State Prison guard in places like Matteawan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, he realized he had made a bad career choice. Nick moved into real estate sales next as a full time gig and started working in local theatre, Vassar College films, inter active dinner theatre and for Japanese TV filming reenactments of American news stories in the Hudson Valley area of NY State where he then lived. He had an epiphany when he actually started getting paid for his acting work and decided that was what he wanted to do for a living. After an amiable divorce (she helped him carry his things out of the house and let him take the cat) he moved back to New York City earn his union cards.
Examples of his acting , writing and performing his own work can be found on his website . His play, "Sheila and Angelo", was accepted to the 2016 NYC International Fringe Festival. The show featured SAG award winner Dan Grimaldi as Angelo and had a sold out run in August, 2016 at the IATI Theater in NYC. Nick hopes to see this play done in more theaters across the country and is actively pursing that possibility.