Lydia Stryk

Lydia Stryk was born in DeKalb, Illinois, birthplace of barbed wire and flying ears of corn. She grew up between DeKalb and London, England, and as a child also lived in Japan where she studied Kabuki and performed on the stage, and in Iran. After high school, she trained to be an actress at the Drama Centre, London--a career she pursued in New York for exactly one year before going back to school to study history, education and later, journalism. She has a BA in History from Hunter College, an MA in Journalism from NYU and a Ph.D. in Theatre from the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York. Her dissertation, "Acting Hysteria: An Analysis of the Actress and her Part" was in part an attempt to understand why her own short-lived experience acting the woman's part on stage felt...

Lydia Stryk was born in DeKalb, Illinois, birthplace of barbed wire and flying ears of corn. She grew up between DeKalb and London, England, and as a child also lived in Japan where she studied Kabuki and performed on the stage, and in Iran. After high school, she trained to be an actress at the Drama Centre, London--a career she pursued in New York for exactly one year before going back to school to study history, education and later, journalism. She has a BA in History from Hunter College, an MA in Journalism from NYU and a Ph.D. in Theatre from the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York. Her dissertation, "Acting Hysteria: An Analysis of the Actress and her Part" was in part an attempt to understand why her own short-lived experience acting the woman's part on stage felt pathological. It was while interning at the weekly journal, The Nation, that she wrote a first play, coming full circle back to the theatre, but this time as a writer -- inspired by the feminist idea circulating at the time that women might have other stories to tell and other ways of telling them. She is the author of over a dozen full-length plays and a few short ones, including Monte Carlo, The House of Lily, The Glamour House, American Tet, An Accident and Lady Lay which have been produced around the United States and also in Germany and Canada. US productions include those at Denver Center Theatre, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Victory Gardens, HB Studios, The Contemporary American Theatre Festival, Magic Theatre and 7 Stages. In Germany her work has been produced at Schauspiel Essen, Theaterhaus Stuttgart and the English Theater Berlin where she is an artistic associate. The House of Lily is currently in repertory in its third German production, at Hoftheater Dresden. Scenes and monologues have been anthologized in collections by Heinemann, Applause and Smith and Kraus. Her play, American Tet, appears in "Acts of War: Iraq and Afghanistan in Seven Plays" from Northwestern University Press. The End of Civilization as we Know It appears in the anthology, "Here Come the Brides!" from Seal Press. Individual plays are published by Broadway Play Publishing and Dramatists Play Service and translated into German by Per Lauke Verlag, Hamburg. She has been commissioned by Pittsburgh Public Theatre and Geva Theatre, Rochester and is the recipient of a Berrilla Kerr Playwright Award and the 2010 Rella Lossy Playwriting Award. An Accident received 3 nominations for the 2019 NAACP Theatre Awards and won in the Best Actress category. Her first novel will be published in the Spring of 2022.



by Lydia Stryk


A woman is run over and critically injured. The driver appears at her bedside. There are encounters in life that take you somewhere you’ve never been and never meant to go.

A woman is run over and critically injured. The driver appears at her bedside. There are encounters in life that take you somewhere you’ve never been and never meant to go.


by Lydia Stryk


It is spring 2004, the first anniversary of the war in Iraq--a moment in time in the ongoing conflagration--and military policeman, Danny Krombacher, is coming home on leave. Elaine, his mother, who teaches new military spouses the ins and outs of military life on base, prepares to welcome him with her husband, Jim, a Vietnam Vet and life-long military man, while they follow the news of other soldiers and their...

It is spring 2004, the first anniversary of the war in Iraq--a moment in time in the ongoing conflagration--and military policeman, Danny Krombacher, is coming home on leave. Elaine, his mother, who teaches new military spouses the ins and outs of military life on base, prepares to welcome him with her husband, Jim, a Vietnam Vet and life-long military man, while they follow the news of other soldiers and their families on base, including Danny's close friend, Angela, now lying in a hospital in Germany. Their daughter, Amy, awaits her brother's arrival with a purpose of her own. Into this military world comes a stranger from a war of the past just in time to shake Elaine's faith in everything she has ever believed.


by Lydia Stryk


It's 1989 in West Berlin. MariAnne has a boring and frustrating job at the Employment Office. But on the radio one day she hears Bob Dylan for the first time and the Berlin wall collapses. The play asks how music can change your life. And who is Bob Dylan, anyway?

It's 1989 in West Berlin. MariAnne has a boring and frustrating job at the Employment Office. But on the radio one day she hears Bob Dylan for the first time and the Berlin wall collapses. The play asks how music can change your life. And who is Bob Dylan, anyway?

The Glamour House

by Lydia Stryk


It is 1947. In the glamorous world of Trudi Stein's dress shop on Manhattan's Upper East side, everything is cloaked in silence--until the arrival of an enigmatic new salesgirl, Esther, a young immigrant from Germany, whose very presence fills the icy atmosphere with warmth and life. What ensues is a mysterious, obsessive relationship that ends in revelation.

It is 1947. In the glamorous world of Trudi Stein's dress shop on Manhattan's Upper East side, everything is cloaked in silence--until the arrival of an enigmatic new salesgirl, Esther, a young immigrant from Germany, whose very presence fills the icy atmosphere with warmth and life. What ensues is a mysterious, obsessive relationship that ends in revelation.


by Lydia Stryk


What happens when Lily, a lesbian-feminist with unshakeable views on men, marriage and motherhood, brings her aging father who is slipping into dementia home to live with her? In this comedy of manners, Lily's father begins to turn Lily first into his young bride and then into other roles she has rebelled against her whole life. Add to the mix, Lily's friend, Gina, whom Lily wants as her lover, and you have a...

What happens when Lily, a lesbian-feminist with unshakeable views on men, marriage and motherhood, brings her aging father who is slipping into dementia home to live with her? In this comedy of manners, Lily's father begins to turn Lily first into his young bride and then into other roles she has rebelled against her whole life. Add to the mix, Lily's friend, Gina, whom Lily wants as her lover, and you have a triangle drama that will explode Lily's ordered world forever.


by Lydia Stryk


Daisy, now approaching retirement, has lived with her mother, Lottie, while working in a factory, her entire adult life. Nothing seems set to change until she wins the football pools and becomes a millionaire, and her world is turned upside down. But with the riches and the fulfilment of a life-long unspoken dream to see Monte Carlo, comes a realization about her long relationship with her mother which will...

Daisy, now approaching retirement, has lived with her mother, Lottie, while working in a factory, her entire adult life. Nothing seems set to change until she wins the football pools and becomes a millionaire, and her world is turned upside down. But with the riches and the fulfilment of a life-long unspoken dream to see Monte Carlo, comes a realization about her long relationship with her mother which will change her life in far more unexpected ways.


by Lydia Stryk


While waiting for their grandson's wedding to begin, two women look back at a lifetime together as lovers.

While waiting for their grandson's wedding to begin, two women look back at a lifetime together as lovers.