Centered around a queer family living in the first Martian colony, The Earth Room provides a critical look at what makes us human as the traumatized generation of post-collapse Earthlings come to a head with the first generation of young Martians struggling to find ways to define themselves. Buckley takes great care to realize a world-to-be, one filled with questions about grief, simulations, extreme sports, and homes that learn alongside you, all culminating in a powerful reminder of the importance of family, earthbound or not.
Centered around a queer family living in the first Martian colony, The Earth Room provides a critical look at what makes us human as the traumatized generation of post-collapse Earthlings come to a head with the first generation of young Martians struggling to find ways to define themselves. Buckley takes great care to realize a world-to-be, one filled with questions about grief, simulations, extreme sports, and homes that learn alongside you, all culminating in a powerful reminder of the importance of family, earthbound or not.