Recommended by Justin Maxwell

  • Justin Maxwell: Medusa Undone

    This is a powerful, breathtaking play. Had I seen it in production, instead of reading it on NPX, I would have wept through it. The script is intense and complex. The roles are just perfect for actors to climb inside of. The show's language carries the day in such a way that a large house with a budget for complex props and costumes could have a hit just as easily as a storefront venue putting up the show on a shoe string.

    This is a powerful, breathtaking play. Had I seen it in production, instead of reading it on NPX, I would have wept through it. The script is intense and complex. The roles are just perfect for actors to climb inside of. The show's language carries the day in such a way that a large house with a budget for complex props and costumes could have a hit just as easily as a storefront venue putting up the show on a shoe string.

  • Justin Maxwell: A Rare Bird

    This is a gem of a 10-minute play. Present, heartbreaking, loving, and well-paced. It has just enough magic for the realism to work, and just enough realism for the magic to work. It's worth your time to read it, to perform it, to produce it.

    This is a gem of a 10-minute play. Present, heartbreaking, loving, and well-paced. It has just enough magic for the realism to work, and just enough realism for the magic to work. It's worth your time to read it, to perform it, to produce it.

  • Justin Maxwell: Clown Bar, a clown noir

    I saw this hilarious and delightful show in New Orleans, and had a wonderful time. The play intertwines humor and pathos like only Adam's plays can do. I imagine it has enough depth and nuance that it could support a pretty broad range of performance styles, thus making it a strong choice for a lot of different theater aesthetics and audiences. This is a show that can put butts in seats.

    I saw this hilarious and delightful show in New Orleans, and had a wonderful time. The play intertwines humor and pathos like only Adam's plays can do. I imagine it has enough depth and nuance that it could support a pretty broad range of performance styles, thus making it a strong choice for a lot of different theater aesthetics and audiences. This is a show that can put butts in seats.

  • Justin Maxwell: Escobar's Hippo

    This show is a delight. It's funny and touching and worth your time. It's the kind of show that audiences get a kick out of in the theatre, and that they talk about on social media after the show. A producer looking for a new script would do well with this one.

    This show is a delight. It's funny and touching and worth your time. It's the kind of show that audiences get a kick out of in the theatre, and that they talk about on social media after the show. A producer looking for a new script would do well with this one.