A magical island filled with three great artists from history, who were later discovered to be sexually notorious in and after their lifetimes. Each three, a literary shipwreck of ideas on art, and how their art became their oasis for living. Told with a deep appreciation of language. Filled with literary and artistic "Easter Eggs" for the very well read and for those who are not. Lush, adult, and unashamed. Very engaging and deeply thought out. A goldmine for actors and designers!
A magical island filled with three great artists from history, who were later discovered to be sexually notorious in and after their lifetimes. Each three, a literary shipwreck of ideas on art, and how their art became their oasis for living. Told with a deep appreciation of language. Filled with literary and artistic "Easter Eggs" for the very well read and for those who are not. Lush, adult, and unashamed. Very engaging and deeply thought out. A goldmine for actors and designers!