This play is one of the realest, most relevant I've read in a long time -- and I wish that weren't the case. Lainie Vansant does an incredible job capturing the fear people face constantly working jobs like these, and she manages to weave in the beautiful dramatic tension of an everyday family about to face a huge change. Not to mention the dialogue has a lovely natural flow to it. I feel like I already know these characters, and I pray everything works out for them.
This play is one of the realest, most relevant I've read in a long time -- and I wish that weren't the case. Lainie Vansant does an incredible job capturing the fear people face constantly working jobs like these, and she manages to weave in the beautiful dramatic tension of an everyday family about to face a huge change. Not to mention the dialogue has a lovely natural flow to it. I feel like I already know these characters, and I pray everything works out for them.