In a park in Boston, dog owners gather regularly to let their dogs run around off leash — against park rules. Rose, esteemed elder and pit bull advocate, has just adopted a behemoth twice her size. Kostas, an out-of-work construction worker, obsesses over his geriatric pug’s safety. Phil, a happy-go-lucky contractor with a goldendoodle, coaches retirees Ken and Joan on training their demonic pandemic puppy...
In a park in Boston, dog owners gather regularly to let their dogs run around off leash — against park rules. Rose, esteemed elder and pit bull advocate, has just adopted a behemoth twice her size. Kostas, an out-of-work construction worker, obsesses over his geriatric pug’s safety. Phil, a happy-go-lucky contractor with a goldendoodle, coaches retirees Ken and Joan on training their demonic pandemic puppy. Loretta, a recent empty-nester, fixates on teaching her German Shepherd new tricks. And then there’s Jaya, a shy nurse who’s just moved to the city, and her Great Pyrenees mutt: they’re newcomers to the pack, and must learn its customs and behaviors. As the seasons pass, they all must overcome constant threats to their dog park society — from other park goers, from park rangers, and from each other. With mimed dogs and the repetitive motions of care turned into (bad) dance.