Recommended by William Missouri Downs

  • The Match Game
    5 Mar. 2022
    A great play! The family dynamic is powerful and wonderful. Read this play! Produce this play!
  • Sadie Hurtz
    8 Nov. 2020
    Just attended a reading of 'Sadie Hurtz' - A wonderfully theatrical play that draws you into an expected world. Well written!
  • One Time
    29 Aug. 2020
    A wonderful two-hander. Smart, funny, and romantic. We need more playwrights like Richard Lyons Conlon, who can take a sincere premise and unpack it into many funny and dramatic moments. If your theatre is looking for a well-dressed, razor-sharp comedy-drama, an audience pleaser that leaves you wanting more, you’ve found it.
  • Another Park, Another Sunday
    6 Jun. 2020
    Philip Middleton Williams packs a lot into only ten pages. It’s nice to read a ten minute that leaves you thinking - This is a lovely play about life, not death.
  • There's an Ocean in Nebraska
    10 Jan. 2020
    A wonderfully absurd play filled with fugitive blowfish and runaway humans. One thing I know after reading this play, I will never tap on the glass of an aquarium again.
  • The Broken Age
    9 Jan. 2020
    What would you do if your roommate began having catastrophic visions? “The Broken Age” is a clever wonderfully absurdist play that toys with your emotions as reality is slowly turned into the apocalypse. It's a funny and scary read.
    7 Jun. 2019
    I just got back from an excellent reading of "Teach" a superb drama about how our logic can be easily unbuttoned by passion. We think we're in control; we believe we're doing the right thing, and then suddenly we're in over our heads. "Teach" blurs the lines between man and women, wrong and right, love and ache. This small cast, simple set play with innovative staging needs to be produced, now!
    13 Dec. 2015
    I just attended a reading of this play. Very funny.
  • Exit Strategies
    6 Dec. 2015
    I just saw a great production of this smart comedy. A wonderful play with insights into the human condition.