Recommended by Germaine Shames

  • Germaine Shames: The Baby Stealing Play

    This daring new play tweaks more than a few taboos. A rich melange of myth, philosophy and moral conundrum, The Baby Stealing Play weaves an engaging tale of two sisters with conflicting motives. Kudos to playwright Nabra Nelson for her originality, command of craft, and utter fearlessness. I look forward to seeing The Baby Stealing Play duly nurtured and produced.

    This daring new play tweaks more than a few taboos. A rich melange of myth, philosophy and moral conundrum, The Baby Stealing Play weaves an engaging tale of two sisters with conflicting motives. Kudos to playwright Nabra Nelson for her originality, command of craft, and utter fearlessness. I look forward to seeing The Baby Stealing Play duly nurtured and produced.

  • Germaine Shames: The Giant Void In My Soul

    Bernardo Cubria contains multitudes. Even in a scene with two actors on a bare stage, his words conjure the whole of human experience.

    Bernardo Cubria contains multitudes. Even in a scene with two actors on a bare stage, his words conjure the whole of human experience.

  • Germaine Shames: The Play You Want

    Bernardo Cubria is a dangerous man. Were every play as gut-honest, brilliantly written, and utterly hilarious as The Play You Want, EVERYONE would attend the theatre and never want to leave. Riveting to the last line.

    Bernardo Cubria is a dangerous man. Were every play as gut-honest, brilliantly written, and utterly hilarious as The Play You Want, EVERYONE would attend the theatre and never want to leave. Riveting to the last line.

  • Germaine Shames: Exhibits in the Zoo

    With compassion, soul and unblunted honesty, Matt Harmon captures the daily horror and dimming hope of life in the Warsaw Ghetto during the first years of WWII. I had the good fortune to attend a staged reading of "Exhibits in the Zoo" at ThinkTank TYA's recent Playwrights Festival, an experience I'm unlikely to forget. Darkly luminous, this play shook me to my core. Matt Harmon is one fearless young playwright to watch.

    With compassion, soul and unblunted honesty, Matt Harmon captures the daily horror and dimming hope of life in the Warsaw Ghetto during the first years of WWII. I had the good fortune to attend a staged reading of "Exhibits in the Zoo" at ThinkTank TYA's recent Playwrights Festival, an experience I'm unlikely to forget. Darkly luminous, this play shook me to my core. Matt Harmon is one fearless young playwright to watch.