Recommended by Karen Ruetz

  • Karen Ruetz: APEX PREDATOR

    Ms. Carnes creates a suspenseful horrific drama that's sure to give anyone the chills. Sure to generate conversation about sexual assault and protecting the environment, her two male characters are over the top boorish clods that unfortunately can be found too often in today's society.

    Ms. Carnes creates a suspenseful horrific drama that's sure to give anyone the chills. Sure to generate conversation about sexual assault and protecting the environment, her two male characters are over the top boorish clods that unfortunately can be found too often in today's society.

  • Karen Ruetz: Big Happy Days

    A thought-provoking short play....lots of dark humor and what-ifs. Recommend!

    A thought-provoking short play....lots of dark humor and what-ifs. Recommend!

  • Karen Ruetz: Santa's Dolphins

    Patrick manages to pack a lot into a short and very funny play! Some serious topics done in a hilarious way. Great fun for a short play festival any time of year!

    Patrick manages to pack a lot into a short and very funny play! Some serious topics done in a hilarious way. Great fun for a short play festival any time of year!

  • Karen Ruetz: Slaying Holofernes

    What a powerful play! Two women from different times, grappling with similar experiences, their stories overlapping in a poignant and unforgettable way. Highly recommend!

    What a powerful play! Two women from different times, grappling with similar experiences, their stories overlapping in a poignant and unforgettable way. Highly recommend!

  • Karen Ruetz: KINDNESS

    A short, but touching play about immigrants coming to America. Three men find connection with each other, though each comes to America from a different place and time. Relevant as a capsule of today's world. A great selection for a short play festival.

    A short, but touching play about immigrants coming to America. Three men find connection with each other, though each comes to America from a different place and time. Relevant as a capsule of today's world. A great selection for a short play festival.

  • Karen Ruetz: THE NEIGHBOR

    Hazouri creates two intriguing characters in this short, two-person scene. Very New York and great opportunities for two actors to have fun with their roles. Would be a fun addition to a short play festival.

    Hazouri creates two intriguing characters in this short, two-person scene. Very New York and great opportunities for two actors to have fun with their roles. Would be a fun addition to a short play festival.

  • Karen Ruetz: Clara the Christmas Tree Angel (ten-minute play)

    What a sweet Christmas story! Enid Cokinos creates a heart-warming Christmas story from a different perspective and one that is sure to perk up your Christmas spirit. Two wonderful characters who will give actors so much to play with, this little gem is perfect for a night of short Christmas plays.

    What a sweet Christmas story! Enid Cokinos creates a heart-warming Christmas story from a different perspective and one that is sure to perk up your Christmas spirit. Two wonderful characters who will give actors so much to play with, this little gem is perfect for a night of short Christmas plays.

  • Karen Ruetz: A Complicated Hope

    A Complicated Hope is a delightful exploration of characters facing a complicated situation and dealing with the loss of a mutual loved one. The characters are well thought out and delicately developed by John Mabey. While the subject matter could have been heavy handed, the playwright brings a sensitive touch to a difficult situation. A wonderful play!

    A Complicated Hope is a delightful exploration of characters facing a complicated situation and dealing with the loss of a mutual loved one. The characters are well thought out and delicately developed by John Mabey. While the subject matter could have been heavy handed, the playwright brings a sensitive touch to a difficult situation. A wonderful play!

  • Karen Ruetz: Echoes of a Hollow Body

    DeCarlo creates a haunting tale about two women stuck in time, and stuck in their lives because of a past loss. Both Gerry and her granddaughter, Winnie, are strong and complicated female characters. The audience will want to see Doug, ever hopeful, succeed in helping both Winnie and Gerry move forward with their lives. Doug and Winnie are both tram operators, and this monotonous job performed on stage while the scene is ongoing, is the perfect metaphor for the lives these characters lead. Toss in some eerie sound effects and visuals, and the end result is compelling and magical.

    DeCarlo creates a haunting tale about two women stuck in time, and stuck in their lives because of a past loss. Both Gerry and her granddaughter, Winnie, are strong and complicated female characters. The audience will want to see Doug, ever hopeful, succeed in helping both Winnie and Gerry move forward with their lives. Doug and Winnie are both tram operators, and this monotonous job performed on stage while the scene is ongoing, is the perfect metaphor for the lives these characters lead. Toss in some eerie sound effects and visuals, and the end result is compelling and magical.

  • Karen Ruetz: WAKE ME WHEN IT'S OVER

    Ripe with Louisiana flavor, Wake Me When It's Over, is a delightful reminiscence of three sisters as they gather to plan their mother's funeral. Each sister's memories have a different seasoning and the three come together to create delightful dish of love for the woman who raised them. Excellent roles for women.

    Ripe with Louisiana flavor, Wake Me When It's Over, is a delightful reminiscence of three sisters as they gather to plan their mother's funeral. Each sister's memories have a different seasoning and the three come together to create delightful dish of love for the woman who raised them. Excellent roles for women.