"The Man Without a Country" is the fictional story of a young Army officer, Philip Nolan, who fell in with
the plots of Aaron Burr during the early years of the 19th century. The story, written in the darkest days of
the Civil War, became an immediate and enduring sensation, going through multiple printings
and movie remakes. Classics Illustrated, a popular comic book series, featured the story. This stage...
"The Man Without a Country" is the fictional story of a young Army officer, Philip Nolan, who fell in with
the plots of Aaron Burr during the early years of the 19th century. The story, written in the darkest days of
the Civil War, became an immediate and enduring sensation, going through multiple printings
and movie remakes. Classics Illustrated, a popular comic book series, featured the story. This stage adaptation contains departures from the original story. It enlarges the role of Aaron Burr, who is portrayed as a damaged and charismatic politician, and introduces the role of Nolan's fiance, Aurora, who is a vital presence during both his actual and figurative trials.