Brett Epstein

Brett Epstein is originally from Connecticut, received his Bachelor’s Degree in Rhode Island [Providence College; Theatre/Writing] and is now a New York based playwright.

Brett loves to write dark comedies in which ordinary people are thrown into extraordinary situations. What happens when characters are tossed outside of their comfort zones and forced to confront their inner demons?

Recently, Brett's full-length play "Crisis: Ocean Planet" (inspired by the Dawn Brancheau incident at SeaWorld) received a staged reading at BAM as part of their BETA Series. The play went on to receive a reading at BRISTOL VALLEY THEATER as part of their New Works Initiative.

His full-length "I Loved Sam Stone" was the winning play in the THE TANK's SLAM Playwriting Competition. He was also the recipient...

Brett Epstein is originally from Connecticut, received his Bachelor’s Degree in Rhode Island [Providence College; Theatre/Writing] and is now a New York based playwright.

Brett loves to write dark comedies in which ordinary people are thrown into extraordinary situations. What happens when characters are tossed outside of their comfort zones and forced to confront their inner demons?

Recently, Brett's full-length play "Crisis: Ocean Planet" (inspired by the Dawn Brancheau incident at SeaWorld) received a staged reading at BAM as part of their BETA Series. The play went on to receive a reading at BRISTOL VALLEY THEATER as part of their New Works Initiative.

His full-length "I Loved Sam Stone" was the winning play in the THE TANK's SLAM Playwriting Competition. He was also the recipient of STUDIO 42’s Unproducible Smackdown Fan Slam. Brett’s episodic piece "Slaves of our Lives" is the longest running play in THE FLEA THEATER's #serials history. Following "Slaves," his comedy "Dance School: School for Dance" ran for ten episodes at The Flea.

Brett produces and writes for the THE TANK's "Rule of 7x7" series, a popular bi-monthly event in which seven writers are commissioned to create plays based on a set of rules.

Brett's writing has been featured at TINYRHINO, NEW YORK MADNESS, THE ACTORS PROJECT, THE GALLERY PLAYERS, and NYLON FUSION COLLECTIVE. Recently, eight of his original monologues have been published in MONOLOGUES TO GO.