Gwen is a theater person, writer, teacher, and now parent to two small, unreasonable children. After almost 15 years as a music director, performer, and general jack-of-all-trades in the Chicago theater scene, she resides in adorable Lancaster, Pennsylvania (“the Brooklyn of Pennsylvania,” if you will), tries to write stuff, and travels to facilitate interdisciplinary theater workshops with actors, non-actors, young people, and people who are terrified to be in an improv class. Originally from Lexington, Massachusetts, Gwen is a graduate of Brandeis University. The things she found in her pocket today were a booger-covered mask, peppermint Hershey Kiss wrapper, and Welch’s fruit gummies that had been washed and dried inside the pocket of the garment, creating a thick, immovable layer of...
Gwen is a theater person, writer, teacher, and now parent to two small, unreasonable children. After almost 15 years as a music director, performer, and general jack-of-all-trades in the Chicago theater scene, she resides in adorable Lancaster, Pennsylvania (“the Brooklyn of Pennsylvania,” if you will), tries to write stuff, and travels to facilitate interdisciplinary theater workshops with actors, non-actors, young people, and people who are terrified to be in an improv class. Originally from Lexington, Massachusetts, Gwen is a graduate of Brandeis University. The things she found in her pocket today were a booger-covered mask, peppermint Hershey Kiss wrapper, and Welch’s fruit gummies that had been washed and dried inside the pocket of the garment, creating a thick, immovable layer of gelatin.