Recommended by Laura Scruggs

  • Laura Scruggs: Women Like Us

    The mother/daughter relationship is one of the hardest and is encapsulated well in this play.

    A vital exploration of why women often don't connect and what happens as a result and the importance of the grandparent/grandchild relationship, are portrayed.

    It truly shows how important it is to take care of our mental health. This play is very validating to struggles I have personally experienced with mental health and teaching.

    This play is for any woman who feels she is not taken seriously.

    Wonderful, all-woman cast.

    It is as tragic as it is funny.

    Very visceral.

    Empowering and hopeful....

    The mother/daughter relationship is one of the hardest and is encapsulated well in this play.

    A vital exploration of why women often don't connect and what happens as a result and the importance of the grandparent/grandchild relationship, are portrayed.

    It truly shows how important it is to take care of our mental health. This play is very validating to struggles I have personally experienced with mental health and teaching.

    This play is for any woman who feels she is not taken seriously.

    Wonderful, all-woman cast.

    It is as tragic as it is funny.

    Very visceral.

    Empowering and hopeful.

  • Laura Scruggs: The Sunset Tour

    Wow, one of the best ten minute plays I have ever read. Very unpredictable and deep. I love the family theme and the part about the Coyolxauhqui.

    Wow, one of the best ten minute plays I have ever read. Very unpredictable and deep. I love the family theme and the part about the Coyolxauhqui.

  • Laura Scruggs: BOX OF TEETH

    What a touching play. I love that the hero is a person with a disability. And, this play deals so well and so gently with such an important and tragic topic. Also, the setting of a thrift store is very charming and fits in well with telling the story.

    What a touching play. I love that the hero is a person with a disability. And, this play deals so well and so gently with such an important and tragic topic. Also, the setting of a thrift store is very charming and fits in well with telling the story.

  • Laura Scruggs: FUKT

    A truly inspiring, vulnerable tale of hope.

    A few of my favorite moments:

    "I have to tell it so they can understand, so they can really experience what it's like to be acknowledged like that, to be seen."

    "It's theatre and theatre magic. We've believed in it ever since we got to save Tinkerbell when we were five."

    "You have to let it work. You have to let us try."

    "I don't tell anyone...I don't even tell myself."

    And, BOBBIE is not crazy. Yes! Women are often seen that way, this is so validating.

    And there is a zombie!

    A truly inspiring, vulnerable tale of hope.

    A few of my favorite moments:

    "I have to tell it so they can understand, so they can really experience what it's like to be acknowledged like that, to be seen."

    "It's theatre and theatre magic. We've believed in it ever since we got to save Tinkerbell when we were five."

    "You have to let it work. You have to let us try."

    "I don't tell anyone...I don't even tell myself."

    And, BOBBIE is not crazy. Yes! Women are often seen that way, this is so validating.

    And there is a zombie!

  • Laura Scruggs: Vagina of Vengeance

    This is one of the most unique premises I have ever seen! Brilliant, insightful, thought-provoking and funny. I love that the woman's vagina has a mind of its own.

    This is one of the most unique premises I have ever seen! Brilliant, insightful, thought-provoking and funny. I love that the woman's vagina has a mind of its own.

  • Laura Scruggs: A Rare Bird

    This is one of my favorite plays I've read in a long time. Truly transportive. One of the best examples of magical realism I've seen. So unpredictable and well-written. If I ever audition again and need a monologue, I think I'll use one from this play!

    This is one of my favorite plays I've read in a long time. Truly transportive. One of the best examples of magical realism I've seen. So unpredictable and well-written. If I ever audition again and need a monologue, I think I'll use one from this play!

  • Laura Scruggs: Jo The Wolf

    I love this play about finding your voice.

    It’s also about how others may not be who you think they are.

    I also love the themes of pretend and not belonging.

    It’s also about the expectations that society unfairly places upon many and figuring that out as you grow up and seek out identity.

    This play has real stakes.

    Hurst’s humor is amazing.

    I also like the part that involves different kinds of creatures needing each other and collaborating to solve a problem.

    This is an excellent play for all ages.

    You will go on an adventure!

    I love this play about finding your voice.

    It’s also about how others may not be who you think they are.

    I also love the themes of pretend and not belonging.

    It’s also about the expectations that society unfairly places upon many and figuring that out as you grow up and seek out identity.

    This play has real stakes.

    Hurst’s humor is amazing.

    I also like the part that involves different kinds of creatures needing each other and collaborating to solve a problem.

    This is an excellent play for all ages.

    You will go on an adventure!

  • Laura Scruggs: The Nice Girl & The Scrub (Monologue)

    I love this theme of no longer being the nice girl and of something good coming out of COVID-19.

    I love this theme of no longer being the nice girl and of something good coming out of COVID-19.

  • Laura Scruggs: Death of an Actor

    Wow. So vulnerable and well-written. A real piece of authentic theatre history and also very current. So real and a fantastic story of two true friends and sobriety. I feel that this play will go far. Riveting. Also a great story about what it means to live and do the work. Visceral, heart-wrenching, thought-provoking; I'll be thinking about this one for a while. Can't wait to see it onstage. A great statement about the theatre & film business as well. You find the light in the darkness in this show.

    Wow. So vulnerable and well-written. A real piece of authentic theatre history and also very current. So real and a fantastic story of two true friends and sobriety. I feel that this play will go far. Riveting. Also a great story about what it means to live and do the work. Visceral, heart-wrenching, thought-provoking; I'll be thinking about this one for a while. Can't wait to see it onstage. A great statement about the theatre & film business as well. You find the light in the darkness in this show.

  • Laura Scruggs: Talk to Me About Home (a ten minute play)

    I love this play. It captures so much about the importance of childhood and the familiar and the meaning of home.

    I love this play. It captures so much about the importance of childhood and the familiar and the meaning of home.