Katie Ganem is a DC based playwright, actor, singer, director, and teacher. She is a proud graduate of Nazareth College in Rochester where she studied musical theater. She originally hails from Baltimore, where her short plays have been featured in Open Space Arts’ annual Summer Playwright’s Festival for 10 years. Some of her plays include The Goodbye Song, a one act that was performed as part of the International Youth Arts Festival in London in 2012, and Sneeze: A Love Story, produced in Rochester, NY in 2016.
Katie Ganem is a DC based playwright, actor, singer, director, and teacher. She is a proud graduate of Nazareth College in Rochester where she studied musical theater. She originally hails from Baltimore, where her short plays have been featured in Open Space Arts’ annual Summer Playwright’s Festival for 10 years. Some of her plays include The Goodbye Song, a one act that was performed as part of the International Youth Arts Festival in London in 2012, and Sneeze: A Love Story, produced in Rochester, NY in 2016.