Recommended by Dominic Finocchiaro

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: Ten Minutes On a Bench

    Should be produced by every high school (and college, and regional theater) in America. Alternately hilarious and heartwarming and sad and thought-provoking--a buffet of dynamic two handers. A great vehicle for actors of all ages (perfect for scene studies) and a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

    Should be produced by every high school (and college, and regional theater) in America. Alternately hilarious and heartwarming and sad and thought-provoking--a buffet of dynamic two handers. A great vehicle for actors of all ages (perfect for scene studies) and a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: Back of House

    A beautifully rendered work. Authentically portrays the nuances of restaurant culture in its portrait of the power struggle between two drastically different young men, both fighting for the respect of a middle-aged man lost in memories of a different life. Manages to tackle big issues like white privilege and racial/economic inequality while also telling a very specific story rooted in believable, three-dimensional characters. Tender and funny and well-crafted.

    A beautifully rendered work. Authentically portrays the nuances of restaurant culture in its portrait of the power struggle between two drastically different young men, both fighting for the respect of a middle-aged man lost in memories of a different life. Manages to tackle big issues like white privilege and racial/economic inequality while also telling a very specific story rooted in believable, three-dimensional characters. Tender and funny and well-crafted.

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: Predatory Thoughts; a pitch deck for corporate

    An acidly hilarious, blood-red comedy. Utterly surprising and unexpected, a true transformer of a play--what starts out as a seeming homage to Mamet and his businessmen behaving badly takes a sharp left-turn into a grotesque, Grand Guignol portrait of corporate greed. Has the vivacity and intense imagination of early Gregory S. Moss and Dan LeFranc.

    An acidly hilarious, blood-red comedy. Utterly surprising and unexpected, a true transformer of a play--what starts out as a seeming homage to Mamet and his businessmen behaving badly takes a sharp left-turn into a grotesque, Grand Guignol portrait of corporate greed. Has the vivacity and intense imagination of early Gregory S. Moss and Dan LeFranc.

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: freeplay

    A perfectly modulated, subtle portrait of three women in an unusual field. The characters are wonderfully specific and the line-by-line dialogue is authentic and engaging. It is evocative of Annie Baker's work in its focus on small moments and on the minutiae of interpersonal relationships. A play that sneaks up on you, slowly but surely drawing you in until you are wholly invested in these four lonely souls.

    A perfectly modulated, subtle portrait of three women in an unusual field. The characters are wonderfully specific and the line-by-line dialogue is authentic and engaging. It is evocative of Annie Baker's work in its focus on small moments and on the minutiae of interpersonal relationships. A play that sneaks up on you, slowly but surely drawing you in until you are wholly invested in these four lonely souls.

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: Model Minority

    Funny and emotionally generous, sweet and open-hearted while also tackling important issues. Reminded me of Idris Goodwin's HOW WE GOT ON in its loving portrait of young people coming of age and finding themselves through music. All of the characters are unique and specific, and you will find yourself rooting for each and every one of them. Such a joy.

    Funny and emotionally generous, sweet and open-hearted while also tackling important issues. Reminded me of Idris Goodwin's HOW WE GOT ON in its loving portrait of young people coming of age and finding themselves through music. All of the characters are unique and specific, and you will find yourself rooting for each and every one of them. Such a joy.

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: Eureka Day

    Such a phenomenal play. Equally parts side-splittingly hilarious and emotionally resonant. Tackles an incredibly relevant topic and manages to investigate it in a way that reveals a ton about our contemporary moment and the way we interact with those we disagree with. Its use of Facebook Live is ingenious, and its characters are diverse and their motivations earned and believable. Produce it!

    Such a phenomenal play. Equally parts side-splittingly hilarious and emotionally resonant. Tackles an incredibly relevant topic and manages to investigate it in a way that reveals a ton about our contemporary moment and the way we interact with those we disagree with. Its use of Facebook Live is ingenious, and its characters are diverse and their motivations earned and believable. Produce it!

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: Babel

    A powerful piece of speculative fiction. Goldfinger taps into the universal anxieties of parents in her portrait of a supposed utopia with insidious restrictions. While handily tackling large-scale themes around nature-vs-nurture and individual autonomy, she also manages to craft heartbreakingly authentic portraits of four people in crisis. An evocative story about society's obsession with perfection and about the chances we take for the ones we love.

    A powerful piece of speculative fiction. Goldfinger taps into the universal anxieties of parents in her portrait of a supposed utopia with insidious restrictions. While handily tackling large-scale themes around nature-vs-nurture and individual autonomy, she also manages to craft heartbreakingly authentic portraits of four people in crisis. An evocative story about society's obsession with perfection and about the chances we take for the ones we love.

  • Dominic Finocchiaro: The Wolves

    Hilarious and heartbreaking. Amazing roles for young women. One of my favorite new plays I've read in recent memory!

    Hilarious and heartbreaking. Amazing roles for young women. One of my favorite new plays I've read in recent memory!