Recommended by Timothy Henderson Jr.

  • Timothy Henderson Jr.: Boy My Greatness

    This play deserves to be on stage where I cannot see the faces of the actors who are performing, only to sold out houses. Each character is written so exact, so chiseled, you know who they are from the first time they speak and what they will become by their last. The way the playwright wrote the fates of each of the characters, this might as well be a lost script from Shakespeare. To have me full on weeping, then with the next line have me rolling over laughing was a therapeutic experience. Don’t lose this one to history.

    This play deserves to be on stage where I cannot see the faces of the actors who are performing, only to sold out houses. Each character is written so exact, so chiseled, you know who they are from the first time they speak and what they will become by their last. The way the playwright wrote the fates of each of the characters, this might as well be a lost script from Shakespeare. To have me full on weeping, then with the next line have me rolling over laughing was a therapeutic experience. Don’t lose this one to history.

  • Timothy Henderson Jr.: The Exhibit

    A metaphor that reached so far outside of the box it touched me through the page. A play that hurt me because it found a way to scratch off every problem in the world by focusing it down to a single issue. To tell you it would be a denial of the beautiful reveal you deserve to read on your own. This is art you cannot put a price on.

    A metaphor that reached so far outside of the box it touched me through the page. A play that hurt me because it found a way to scratch off every problem in the world by focusing it down to a single issue. To tell you it would be a denial of the beautiful reveal you deserve to read on your own. This is art you cannot put a price on.

  • Timothy Henderson Jr.: Gel Us

    Lovable, cute, hilarious. The relatable topic of wanting to be better than someone by any means made me want to keep reading. Friendship should be as important to everyone that it is to these two women.

    Lovable, cute, hilarious. The relatable topic of wanting to be better than someone by any means made me want to keep reading. Friendship should be as important to everyone that it is to these two women.

  • Timothy Henderson Jr.: The Home for Retired Canadian Girlfriends

    This play reminded me of the fun that can be created with a bit of imagination. I hope to someday see this play performed in front of me.

    This play reminded me of the fun that can be created with a bit of imagination. I hope to someday see this play performed in front of me.

  • Timothy Henderson Jr.: KISSING LESSONS

    The read was endearing, honest, and cute. My girlfriend and I give it five awkward kisses out of five.

    The read was endearing, honest, and cute. My girlfriend and I give it five awkward kisses out of five.

  • Timothy Henderson Jr.: Two-Timing Loaf of Bread

    This is the first play I found on this website since I signed up. This was amazing. I am so happy I get to find works of art like these.

    This is the first play I found on this website since I signed up. This was amazing. I am so happy I get to find works of art like these.