Recommended by Alicia Margarita Olivo

  • Your Healing is Killing Me
    8 Mar. 2023
    "Are you a Revolutionary? It is the only question that matters." An unflinching call to action that also serves as an incisive look at the reality of living in a white capitalist hellscape. As someone who struggles with looking at artistry as part of survival, I found this to be exactly what I needed to hear to keep going. Survival and artistry are one and the same; for survival, it's either all of us or none of us. Thank you to Grise for writing this.
  • Dogrose Patrol
    11 Oct. 2022
    Funny and sweet without losing sight of the realities of growing up as a Deaf or blind girl in war-time England. Would love to see a full production of this one day!
  • Penelope: A Lesson in Drowning
    24 Jul. 2022
    A wonderfully funny and sweet tale about gaining the bravery to give yourself permission to go after what you want. Shlichtman has created an amazing hero with her interpretation of Penelope, an autistic princess who is confronted with the challenge to learn to let herself be overcome with emotion—literally. The relationship are realistic, even with their Greek mythical roots, but the real standout is the romance between the title character and Odysseus and how it ends up helping Penelope to be brave. Can't wait to see this further developed!
  • This Will Be Our Year
    5 Jul. 2022
    The creeping promise of hope in a new love. The sickening souring of a relationship that you don't want to let go of. MacLean captures the lifetime of the relationship between Gen and Hugo wonderfully, with charm and realism in equal measure. Even as the characters careen towards heartbreak, you can't help but hope that they'll come out on the other side unscathed.
  • small town icons
    13 Mar. 2022
    A literal jaw-dropper of a play with a beautiful, gorgeous ending. Four girls on the cusp of adulthood play with power, maturity, violence, and, of course, revenge. The characters and setting somehow manage to be incredibly distinct and grounded and simultaneously timeless at the same time. SMJ promises, delivers, and then whirls you around in your seat, leaving you breathless. Fantastic. I want to see 10000000 productions of this!
  • This Bitch: Esta Sangre Quiero
    2 Mar. 2022
    I was lucky to have been able to watch this as a reading as part of the 2022 Sin Muros: A Borderless Teatro Festival. In her three-act whirlwind party, Dawes expertly balances an outrageous farce with some of the most tender romantic moments I've seen in a play. Dawes tackles race, class, gender and sexuality while you try not to bust a rib from laughing. The final moment of this play is a total jaw-dropper. I hope to be able to see this get a full production ASAP!
  • Angry Brown Hotties and the White Liberals Who Love Them
    3 Dec. 2021
    As an angry brown hottie myself, I've had so, so many conversations like the ones in this play, although certainly not as forthright. I deeply appreciate that this play puts them front-and-center, and that Ruiz makes the characters so whole and real. What is love without the understanding that your existence is still endangered, regardless of who's in office? I'm looking forward to how this play develops for sure!
  • can i touch it?
    24 Nov. 2021
    Excellent play about the difficult positions that capitalism and white supremacy puts us in, especially when we're forced to choose between our ethical ideals and our family's livelihood. Da Silveira's characters are so real, familiar, and warm, reminding us that we're never alone, even when the world might makes us feel that way. I hope to see this on a stage soon!
    21 Nov. 2021
    A devastating piece that manages to also feel like a comforting hug. A reminder that everyone who thinks they're lonely really isn't, until they are. Lovely, believable characters with some of the best writing and formatting I've had the pleasure of reading.
  • Sugar
    29 Sep. 2021
    So, so good. Sugar captures the many different ways marginalized folks of color, especially young women, sacrifice autonomy to just get through our lives day-by-day, whether in terms of economic stress or in our friednships with folks who only see us as philanthropic props. Following Brooke's journey as a sugar baby is one of the most relatable, empowering and uplifting things I've read! I hope to see this on a stage soon to give it cheers it deserves.
