Jeff Soesbe

Jeff Soesbe


  • In The Deep Dark
    Nichols is the sole survivor of a spaceship incident, and is adrift with only the damaged ship's computer for company. They interact by playing a word-guessing game, and in the course of the play make decisions and discoveries about each other and the possibility of survival.
  • In A Diner In Fresno
    Sanders, a killer for "the business", has finally tracked down Freeman, their mentor, to a diner in Fresno. Freeman left the business, and Sanders was sent to take care of Freeman. But the job will not go as easy as Sanders had hoped because Freeman has some tricks left and some things to say to Sanders.
  • Now, A Message From Earth
    Shilpa Gulati, a cleaning technician on the spaceship USS Persistence, has been taken from her ship by aliens. She will have to send a message to the alien homeworld, using only five word sentences, that will determine the fate of her ship. As Shilpa works with the alien trying to help her, they reach an understanding of each other and of the task before them.
  • Alien Abduction
    Taylor, a human, has been abducted by Mohla, an alien, to be the subject of experiments. But Mohla has a surprise because Taylor is into the idea of an alien abduction and this goes against Mohla's instructions. Can they resolve the situation so they both benefit?
  • Superhero Divorce Court
    Superheroes EcoGreen and BiteForce have agreed to settle their divorce disputes on the popular reality show, SUPERHERO DIVORCE COURT. But The Judge, the show's host, has plans to pit them against each other, and there's secrets being kept by both heroes. How will it all get resolved?
  • Hookup At Space Prison Z9
    Prisoners Praxis and Chen are meeting for a hookup in Space Prison Z9. Praxis's real goal is to break out of prison, but in order for his plan to succeed Praxis needs Chen to remember the criminal he once used to be.
  • Waiting For The Werewolf
    Dana and Morgan are two slackers with a big plan to get turned into werewolves, rob their drug dealer, and get rich. But complications follow when their big plan runs into problems, all of their own making.