A violent drama that follows the killers of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln over the American road. A history of extremism, delusion, and the voids between us.
A little more than a hundred days before the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (April 4, 1968), JAMES EARL RAY drove from Los Angeles to New Orleans with Charles Stein, a passing acquaintance, ostensibly to convey the two young nieces...
A violent drama that follows the killers of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln over the American road. A history of extremism, delusion, and the voids between us.
A little more than a hundred days before the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (April 4, 1968), JAMES EARL RAY drove from Los Angeles to New Orleans with Charles Stein, a passing acquaintance, ostensibly to convey the two young nieces of the latter back to their mother, a cocktail waitress in Los Angeles. At the time Ray was living under several aliases, including Eric and John Starvo Galt.
Some months before the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln (April 14th 1865), his assassin JOHN WILKES BOOTH traveled extensively from his native Maryland to as far as Montréal in feverish plans associated with a conspiracy of which he was the author and mastermind. Along the way he attempted to draw into his plans his brother, Junius, as well as Harry Ford, a young actor and younger brother of the impresario John Ford, owner of Ford’s Theatre in Washington.
With infernal energy, Booth & Ray takes these trips as adventures into the voids between us and within us, and as a road map to the deeper voids in our society. – three actors, 90 minutes.