Kenneth Prestininzi

Alum New Dramatists, New York City. Most recent plays: CAR TOO FAR and LOVE, PRAY, REMEMBER. Recent productions: IMPURE THOUGHTS (WITHOUT APOLOGY), California; TIMBUKTU USA, Sleeping Weazel, Boston. Past productions: Chicago’s Trap Door Theater premiered his plays: COOKIE PLAY, BEHOLDER (Joseph Jefferson Award for best new play), AMERIKAFKA and CHASTE. Boston and New York City productions: BIRTH, BREATH, BRIDE, ELIZABETH; UGMO AND EENIE GO DOWN THE RUSKI HOLE; LOVE IN THE SEVENTH KINGDOM OF WRATH; PATTY CAKE. He wrote the book and lyrics for the musicals ARIADNE, DEE (Alphonso Horne, composer) and TOM VISITS ROSE (Christopher Winslow, composer). His plays have been seen in Brighton, Edinburgh, Kalamazoo, Los Angeles, Mexico City, New London, Philadelphia, Prague, Providence, San...

Alum New Dramatists, New York City. Most recent plays: CAR TOO FAR and LOVE, PRAY, REMEMBER. Recent productions: IMPURE THOUGHTS (WITHOUT APOLOGY), California; TIMBUKTU USA, Sleeping Weazel, Boston. Past productions: Chicago’s Trap Door Theater premiered his plays: COOKIE PLAY, BEHOLDER (Joseph Jefferson Award for best new play), AMERIKAFKA and CHASTE. Boston and New York City productions: BIRTH, BREATH, BRIDE, ELIZABETH; UGMO AND EENIE GO DOWN THE RUSKI HOLE; LOVE IN THE SEVENTH KINGDOM OF WRATH; PATTY CAKE. He wrote the book and lyrics for the musicals ARIADNE, DEE (Alphonso Horne, composer) and TOM VISITS ROSE (Christopher Winslow, composer). His plays have been seen in Brighton, Edinburgh, Kalamazoo, Los Angeles, Mexico City, New London, Philadelphia, Prague, Providence, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. Ken is also a director of new work. Ken studied with María Irene Fornes. He is chair of the theater department at Connecticut College. He has taught at Cornell, Brown, Northwestern and Yale University. At the Yale School of Drama, he was the Associate Chair and (Acting) Chair of Playwriting during Paula Vogel’s tenure.