Julia Jennings

Julia Jennings

JULIA JENNINGS is a Maine-based writer/director. National Theater Institute Spring ’22; BA: Bowdoin College. Her works include: In the End we all go to Providence (Maine state winner, Clauder Competition 2023), happy heterosexual summer (Bowdoin One Acts Festival Winner 2023), and GOODBYE RHODA.


  • The Wash (fka In the End, we all go to Providence)
    Oh no! The pandemic has struck and we’re all trapped in a house together. And we’re all women. And some of us are related. And shoot, the next door neighbor is directing bad Shakespeare in his backyard and we can’t escape from it!! A birthday, a bugbite, who’s eating the house?? A play about talking to the sister you haven’t seen in seven years, what happens to things when we die, and whether or not you can...
    Oh no! The pandemic has struck and we’re all trapped in a house together. And we’re all women. And some of us are related. And shoot, the next door neighbor is directing bad Shakespeare in his backyard and we can’t escape from it!! A birthday, a bugbite, who’s eating the house?? A play about talking to the sister you haven’t seen in seven years, what happens to things when we die, and whether or not you can kiss the girl who’s renting from your grandmother.

    Maine State Winner, Portland Stage Clauder Competition
  • happy heterosexual summer
    What do we do while we wait for the toaster? We fall in love. Four theater artists at your least favorite summer residency congregate around a broken toaster to gossip, impersonate Jennifer Coolidge, and fall in and out of love.
    We can't tell Rhoda we crashed the van--but the woman at Whole Foods definitely saw us do it?? Are you my mother? Oh I wasn't asking, that's just the book I'm reading. And who is Rhoda's friend? I love her/I want her/I want to be with her/I want to be her/I just want to get out of the theater.
  • What if this was a wedding
    Is Annie dead?? We’re at the funeral she never would have wanted. Out of the explosive silence of a Quaker meeting, her mother/sisters/lover & God(?) are left to construct a narrative of her life, and now their own lives without her. Oh and Annie gets to watch the whole show.
  • Merry Hell Play
    The fifteen minutes while we’re waiting for antigen test results. Five actors, one couch in the green room of the illustrious Moscow Art Theatre...of Moscow, Maine. David Geffen just bought Yale?? And have you seen that new Ziwe interview with Gloria Steinem? What does it mean to love other people; how do we talk about our mothers? I don’t think we’ll ever make it to the Augusta House of Pancakes.