Avery Ingvarson

Avery Ingvarson (they/them) is a Manhattan-based playwright, dramaturg, director, and performer committed to accessible leftist theatre. averyingvarson.com [email protected]

Avery Ingvarson (they/them) is a Manhattan-based playwright, dramaturg, director, and performer committed to accessible leftist theatre. averyingvarson.com [email protected]


Calculated Vulnerability

by Avery Ingvarson


10% about gender, 30% about falling in love with your best friend, and 60% about the "truths" we tell ourselves and others.

10% about gender, 30% about falling in love with your best friend, and 60% about the "truths" we tell ourselves and others.

Bracing for the Wind

by Avery Ingvarson


For the B's in my life, all of whom I love dearly

For the B's in my life, all of whom I love dearly


by Avery Ingvarson


A ten minute play from the Apartment Player's "Seven Stages of Grief" play series delving into Shock. Many thanks to T.S. Eliot, for being in the public domain. Truly a real one.

A ten minute play from the Apartment Player's "Seven Stages of Grief" play series delving into Shock. Many thanks to T.S. Eliot, for being in the public domain. Truly a real one.

At the Tone

by Avery Ingvarson


Agnes and Alec get together and break up. Because humans are messy.

Agnes and Alec get together and break up. Because humans are messy.


by Avery Ingvarson


A ten minute think-piece on gender. Or, it's just about the sport curling. You decide.

A ten minute think-piece on gender. Or, it's just about the sport curling. You decide.