An adventurous father, Steve, and his conversely risk-averse son, Henry, embark upon a road trip to visit the Grand Canyon. Along the way, they pick up a witty hitchhiker, Dabria, who encourages them to rediscover their childlike spirits. Set against the backdrop of desolate highways and vast landscapes, their journey is muddled with trials and tribulations. The found family shoulders the burden of grief...
An adventurous father, Steve, and his conversely risk-averse son, Henry, embark upon a road trip to visit the Grand Canyon. Along the way, they pick up a witty hitchhiker, Dabria, who encourages them to rediscover their childlike spirits. Set against the backdrop of desolate highways and vast landscapes, their journey is muddled with trials and tribulations. The found family shoulders the burden of grief together through humor and heart, and even in the face of adversity, their momentum and persistence is unstoppable.