Maggie Higginbotham

A recent honors graduate from Emory University, Maggie Higginbotham is enjoying pursuing her career as a playwriting, novelist, and director. Maggie enjoys creating art in a variety of genres and themes, but her work most recently seen on stage as a staged reading was "The Game Show", a one act commentary on the patriarchy and oppressive systems at large as seen through two women trapped in an absurd, never-ending game show.

A recent honors graduate from Emory University, Maggie Higginbotham is enjoying pursuing her career as a playwriting, novelist, and director. Maggie enjoys creating art in a variety of genres and themes, but her work most recently seen on stage as a staged reading was "The Game Show", a one act commentary on the patriarchy and oppressive systems at large as seen through two women trapped in an absurd, never-ending game show.


The Game Show

by Maggie Higginbotham


The Game Show follows two women trapped in a never-ending game show with a mysterious host that grows more malevolent with each round. The two contestants try desperately to escape while reconciling their physical situation, past relationships, and living within an inescapable system.

The Game Show follows two women trapped in a never-ending game show with a mysterious host that grows more malevolent with each round. The two contestants try desperately to escape while reconciling their physical situation, past relationships, and living within an inescapable system.