Recommended by Jen Browne

  • Jen Browne: Charlie's Waiting

    Ahhhh! so much tension, love this play. Great dialogue. builds beautifully. Really enjoyed this. listen to the recording on The Parsnip Ship podcast for next level awesome.

    Ahhhh! so much tension, love this play. Great dialogue. builds beautifully. Really enjoyed this. listen to the recording on The Parsnip Ship podcast for next level awesome.


    I have met Unicorn Kid and imagine there are many kids that will relate to this young person on a mission while totally embracing their imagination and inner unicorn. Lots of room for play and fun, very flexible in terms of performance space as well. Would love to see this in the hands of an energetic theatre kiddo!

    I have met Unicorn Kid and imagine there are many kids that will relate to this young person on a mission while totally embracing their imagination and inner unicorn. Lots of room for play and fun, very flexible in terms of performance space as well. Would love to see this in the hands of an energetic theatre kiddo!

  • Jen Browne: The Very Last Wishes of Grandpa Joe or Mia & Hector Go Sightseeing

    There's so much to love about this play. We're dealing with loss in many shapes, we're understanding who we are as we change and the world changes and we've got great play and fun between the characters and I love, love the inclusion of the main character's cornea (read the play and you'll know why it's so smart and satisfying). PRO-TIP: you can also listen to this the play on the Parsnip Ship podcast. It's a great way to enjoy the play and learn more about the playwright. I enthusiastically recommend.

    There's so much to love about this play. We're dealing with loss in many shapes, we're understanding who we are as we change and the world changes and we've got great play and fun between the characters and I love, love the inclusion of the main character's cornea (read the play and you'll know why it's so smart and satisfying). PRO-TIP: you can also listen to this the play on the Parsnip Ship podcast. It's a great way to enjoy the play and learn more about the playwright. I enthusiastically recommend.

  • Jen Browne: Girl Becomes Bone

    The world of this play has been carefully constructed and presented. I felt very taken care of moving through and gathering details of this future world still so taken with the old. A poetic exploration of religion, loss, and moving forward.

    The world of this play has been carefully constructed and presented. I felt very taken care of moving through and gathering details of this future world still so taken with the old. A poetic exploration of religion, loss, and moving forward.

  • Jen Browne: The Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows

    Another great story from the great Gina Femia. She brings so much texture and balance to her stories. Yes, we've got tough stuff but we also have joy and fun, new love and friendship. Highly recommend.

    Another great story from the great Gina Femia. She brings so much texture and balance to her stories. Yes, we've got tough stuff but we also have joy and fun, new love and friendship. Highly recommend.

  • Jen Browne: Chub

    I was already laughing just a few pages into this script. I love the structure around the puppet theatre and the use of the puppets fills the story with so much play. I actually heard Chub for the first time a few years ago and rereading it everything lands so differently now that I have a kid of my own. Great fun and great insight into parenthood.

    I was already laughing just a few pages into this script. I love the structure around the puppet theatre and the use of the puppets fills the story with so much play. I actually heard Chub for the first time a few years ago and rereading it everything lands so differently now that I have a kid of my own. Great fun and great insight into parenthood.

  • Jen Browne: A SAFE PLACE

    This is a beautiful monologue filled with contrast and love really. It reads like poetry and is impeccably poignant but oddly filled with joy or a tinge of hope....considering the subject matter that is an accomplishment.

    This is a beautiful monologue filled with contrast and love really. It reads like poetry and is impeccably poignant but oddly filled with joy or a tinge of hope....considering the subject matter that is an accomplishment.

  • Jen Browne: Parlor Tricks

    I really enjoyed reading this play. The dialog is quick, buzzy, and fun. I appreciate the modern language in this 19th century setting. Lots of room for some cool theatre magic too with the horror and fantasy elements.

    I really enjoyed reading this play. The dialog is quick, buzzy, and fun. I appreciate the modern language in this 19th century setting. Lots of room for some cool theatre magic too with the horror and fantasy elements.

  • Jen Browne: Alond(R)a

    I love this play. Great for teens or anybody who has ever BEEN a teen. The friendship found in this story is so warm and I wish I could just sneak in and be a part of their magic. Gina does marvelous work with the people and the relationships in this little slice of Brooklyn. Potential for some great physical work and design. I can't wait to see a production of this play.

    I love this play. Great for teens or anybody who has ever BEEN a teen. The friendship found in this story is so warm and I wish I could just sneak in and be a part of their magic. Gina does marvelous work with the people and the relationships in this little slice of Brooklyn. Potential for some great physical work and design. I can't wait to see a production of this play.