Samantha Davidson Green

Samantha Davidson Green is a film+theater director/writer/educator based in NH and VT. Samantha’s directing career began in a Mississippi classroom, led her to KQED Public Television, and eventually to UCLA where she earned her MFA in Film Directing. Samantha's short films and first feature as screenwriter/director have played festivals worldwide, claiming awards at Tribeca (Best Student Film), World Fest (Best First Feature), and Stony Brook (Spirit of Independent Filmmaking), among others. Samantha directs community and youth theater in her pocket of NH and VT and has served on the board of Parish Players in Thetford, VT. "Mother L*ving Torah Studies" is her first full-length original play based loosely on her experiences choosing a Jewish life among Jewish communities from...

Samantha Davidson Green is a film+theater director/writer/educator based in NH and VT. Samantha’s directing career began in a Mississippi classroom, led her to KQED Public Television, and eventually to UCLA where she earned her MFA in Film Directing. Samantha's short films and first feature as screenwriter/director have played festivals worldwide, claiming awards at Tribeca (Best Student Film), World Fest (Best First Feature), and Stony Brook (Spirit of Independent Filmmaking), among others. Samantha directs community and youth theater in her pocket of NH and VT and has served on the board of Parish Players in Thetford, VT. "Mother L*ving Torah Studies" is her first full-length original play based loosely on her experiences choosing a Jewish life among Jewish communities from London to LA to Brooklyn to New England. Samantha's work tilts toward nerdy existential comedy. In her collaborative approach to storytelling, Samantha seeks to build art through community and community through art.


Mother L*ving Torah Studies

by Samantha Davidson Green


Pregnancy presses the question of Jewish conversion for Margot, who faces the existential responsibility (and comedy) of motherhood and hungers for holiness.

Pregnancy presses the question of Jewish conversion for Margot, who faces the existential responsibility (and comedy) of motherhood and hungers for holiness.