Celeste Williams

Celeste Mari Williams is a Seattle playwright and television animation professional with an MA in biology. With humor and wit, Celeste's multidisciplinary projects and plays interweave relationships, science, history, and sociocultural perspectives. GILLS! GILLS! GILLS!, her whimsical play about sea creatures and mating, was co-produced by ReAct Theatre and Parley Productions. As a Parley associate playwright, Celeste had workshop performances of AMELIA’S WALL, A FINE LINE, and BEST FRIEND. Inspired by her 16th C Japanese ancestor, her play, MY SAMURAI was showcased for Pork Filled Productions' Unleashed. Celeste's short pieces for SIS Productions' play festivals (Revealed, Insatiable, Represent, and Lotsa Asian American Fractured Folktales) were informed by her multicultural background...

Celeste Mari Williams is a Seattle playwright and television animation professional with an MA in biology. With humor and wit, Celeste's multidisciplinary projects and plays interweave relationships, science, history, and sociocultural perspectives. GILLS! GILLS! GILLS!, her whimsical play about sea creatures and mating, was co-produced by ReAct Theatre and Parley Productions. As a Parley associate playwright, Celeste had workshop performances of AMELIA’S WALL, A FINE LINE, and BEST FRIEND. Inspired by her 16th C Japanese ancestor, her play, MY SAMURAI was showcased for Pork Filled Productions' Unleashed. Celeste's short pieces for SIS Productions' play festivals (Revealed, Insatiable, Represent, and Lotsa Asian American Fractured Folktales) were informed by her multicultural background and love of fairytales. She examined social justice through the lens of animal migration in her one-act, BEAVER TOWN, for Mirror Stage’s Expand Upon series on Immigration. During her graduate program, Celeste wrote and produced short plays to promote theater as a tool of inquiry to foster empathy for human and wildlife communities. Her science-based shorts, RESISTANT and BRAIN BARRIERS were part of Infinity Box Theatre Project's Centrifuge. In 2023, Celeste made her 14/48 Projects debut with ONCE IN A FULL MOON and CUTTLEFISH GAMES. She is slated to write for 14/48 and Centrifuge again in 2024.