David Adam Gill

​​DAVID ADAM GILL is a Brooklyn based writer.

His first full-length play, “Providence” was produced at Transient Theater in Chicago in 1995. Since then it has gone through a series of workshop readings to get it ready for its New York premier at Roy Arias Stages in October of 2014 where it played to enthusiastic audiences, and critical acclaim.

His second full length play, “Experimenting with Katz,” has been submitted to various play festivals and theater companies, and is getting ready for an off-Broadway production in 2017.

His third full length play, “Irregulars” is having it's first staged reading this Fall.

His newest play, "Unfinished," is currently going through a series of workshop readings.

Other projects include “California” (one act), "Too Far" (one act), and a script for...

​​DAVID ADAM GILL is a Brooklyn based writer.

His first full-length play, “Providence” was produced at Transient Theater in Chicago in 1995. Since then it has gone through a series of workshop readings to get it ready for its New York premier at Roy Arias Stages in October of 2014 where it played to enthusiastic audiences, and critical acclaim.

His second full length play, “Experimenting with Katz,” has been submitted to various play festivals and theater companies, and is getting ready for an off-Broadway production in 2017.

His third full length play, “Irregulars” is having it's first staged reading this Fall.

His newest play, "Unfinished," is currently going through a series of workshop readings.

Other projects include “California” (one act), "Too Far" (one act), and a script for a new web series ("Scavengers").

He is also the co-author of two television pilots with Tony Nation, both of which are being represented by Bohemia Group.


In the Garden of the Hesperides

by David Adam Gill


A middle-aged gay man is blindsided by his childhood bully who's come asking for his

A middle-aged gay man is blindsided by his childhood bully who's come asking for his

Defying Lorelei

by David Adam Gill


An older trans woman rushes to stop a young non-binary teenager from making a decision that would impact both their lives irrevocably.

An older trans woman rushes to stop a young non-binary teenager from making a decision that would impact both their lives irrevocably.

A Most Egregious Way

by David Adam Gill


Jane Eyre has just learned that Edward Rochester is married, and the woman is none other than the crazy Bertha Mason he keeps in his attic. But what if Bertha weren't crazy at all. What if she just hadn't fit the idea of femininity that Edward wanted. What if Jane is duly warned and never comes back to Thornfield? If someone calls you crazy enough times, will you start to believe it yourself?

Jane Eyre has just learned that Edward Rochester is married, and the woman is none other than the crazy Bertha Mason he keeps in his attic. But what if Bertha weren't crazy at all. What if she just hadn't fit the idea of femininity that Edward wanted. What if Jane is duly warned and never comes back to Thornfield? If someone calls you crazy enough times, will you start to believe it yourself?

Wee Annie's Hold

by David Adam Gill


The centuries old spirit of a prostitute haunts the catacombs of Northern Ireland and an unsuspecting totally narcissistic American actress stumbles upon this haunt and inadvertently sets the madwoman free.

The centuries old spirit of a prostitute haunts the catacombs of Northern Ireland and an unsuspecting totally narcissistic American actress stumbles upon this haunt and inadvertently sets the madwoman free.

Fault Lines

by David Adam Gill


A late-night scuffle in the dark; a struggle with a gun. An argument about who's to blame for the suicide of a young gay man. How far would you go to protect a child that's different? What if the threat came from the child's own parents?

A late-night scuffle in the dark; a struggle with a gun. An argument about who's to blame for the suicide of a young gay man. How far would you go to protect a child that's different? What if the threat came from the child's own parents?

More Myself Than I Am

by David Adam Gill


Heathcliff and Catherine are finally together in the afterlife when they realize they can't stand one another.

Heathcliff and Catherine are finally together in the afterlife when they realize they can't stand one another.


by David Adam Gill


Set in the kitchen of a Carroll Gardens brownstone in present day Brooklyn, an Italian-American family gathers on the fifth anniversary of the patriarch’s death to fulfill his last wish-- that his ashes be scattered into the East River. When the rest of the family discovers that their elderly mother has hidden her late husband’s ashes, and conveniently forgotten their location, pandemonium ensues as they set...

Set in the kitchen of a Carroll Gardens brownstone in present day Brooklyn, an Italian-American family gathers on the fifth anniversary of the patriarch’s death to fulfill his last wish-- that his ashes be scattered into the East River. When the rest of the family discovers that their elderly mother has hidden her late husband’s ashes, and conveniently forgotten their location, pandemonium ensues as they set about trying to discover where she hid them, and well as her reasons for doing so.

Conceived as a comic fugue, the play is written in a contrapuntal composition technique. Beginning with a single voice, and with the addition of each family member’s upon their arrival, the action steadily builds towards a boisterous crescendo.

Experimenting with Katz

by David Adam Gill


Michael Katz has a problem: he's just come out of the closet, and it's not going particularly well. First, his mother shows up unexpectedly in the midst of a snowstorm to ambush him with (among other things) the daughter-in-law of her dreams. Then his best friend selfishly decides to start putting her own needs above his (and it's still snowing)! On top of everything, the one person who's willing to put up with...

Michael Katz has a problem: he's just come out of the closet, and it's not going particularly well. First, his mother shows up unexpectedly in the midst of a snowstorm to ambush him with (among other things) the daughter-in-law of her dreams. Then his best friend selfishly decides to start putting her own needs above his (and it's still snowing)! On top of everything, the one person who's willing to put up with him is the only person he doesn't want anything to do with (at least that's what he keeps telling himself), leaving Michael to wonder, is this really the course of true love, or is it some social experiment gone horribly wrong? And why won't it stop snowing?!!

​Michael Katz has come out to his mother for a second time, the first time not having gone well and driven him to a nervous breakdown. This time, though, his mother arrives in town on a mission to make certain he gets "fixed"- doing whatever it takes. Set in Chicago in the midst an unseasonable blizzard, "Experimenting with Katz" deals with issues of coming out, and the repercussions from family and friends, and through comedy, highlights the absurdity of those whose who use their ignorance about the LGBT community as a justification for their actions, while ultimately proving harmful to the very people they love.


by David Adam Gill


Stranded in the Providence, Rhode Island bus station by a benevolent act of sabotage, a group of misfit travelers find themselves in the wrong place at the right time. Through their confrontations, secrets are revealed, discoveries made, and destinations altered forever. "Providence" takes a compassionate yet wildly funny look at love, guilt, betrayal, nonsense, and finding your nature, and teaches us that...

Stranded in the Providence, Rhode Island bus station by a benevolent act of sabotage, a group of misfit travelers find themselves in the wrong place at the right time. Through their confrontations, secrets are revealed, discoveries made, and destinations altered forever. "Providence" takes a compassionate yet wildly funny look at love, guilt, betrayal, nonsense, and finding your nature, and teaches us that Salvation isn't a place you can arrive by bus.