Shabbat Shalom, Singles

Rach just wants Temple Beth Israel's first Singles Shabbat to be a success, even though Congregation Sons of Israel always has better themes. Her sister Ruthie just to get through the evening in one piece. Is that too much to ask?
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Shabbat Shalom, Singles

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  • Emmet L.F. Cameron:
    17 Feb. 2024
    Totally charming 10-minute rom com. I can already picture the epilogue where Rach always insists on bringing her own wine to Ruthie & Naomi's for Shabbos because they only ever have Manischewitz.
  • David Lipschutz:
    21 Aug. 2021
    Oh I felt this play on so many levels! SHABBAT SHALOM, SINGLES is both hilarious and charming, and it had me cackling throughout the read. Great work to Margot Connolly.
  • Lainie Vansant:
    20 Aug. 2021
    This play is full of humor and heart. The relationships between all of the characters feel authentic and meaningful, and actors would have a ton of fun bringing this to life. If you need a little pick-me-up, give this play a read -- it's sure to make you smile!