The Way You Made Me (a solo show)

by Lindsay Partain

(60-minutes, Solo Show) Through love letters and memories, Imogen shares her gift of words with an unseen lover, sharing with them her journey of finding home, herself, and family, despite a life of neglect. A love story told by someone deemed "unloveable".

(60-minutes, Solo Show) Through love letters and memories, Imogen shares her gift of words with an unseen lover, sharing with them her journey of finding home, herself, and family, despite a life of neglect. A love story told by someone deemed "unloveable".

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The Way You Made Me (a solo show)

Recommended by

  • Rich Rubin: The Way You Made Me (a solo show)

    Poetic and powerful, exquisitely crafted and theatrically stunning ... brava!

    Poetic and powerful, exquisitely crafted and theatrically stunning ... brava!

  • Cheryl Bear: The Way You Made Me (a solo show)

    An incredibly moving play that tells the emotional journey of one woman as she bares her soul to us. Beautifully done.

    An incredibly moving play that tells the emotional journey of one woman as she bares her soul to us. Beautifully done.

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: The Way You Made Me (a solo show)

    At the end of this moving monologue, I wanted to crawl into the little tent that Imogene had created. This piece reeks with yearning and disappointment and love...powerful love. Love that makes you weep to think about. It's wistful and truth telling. Keep writing, Lindsay. Leave the real jobs to others.

    At the end of this moving monologue, I wanted to crawl into the little tent that Imogene had created. This piece reeks with yearning and disappointment and love...powerful love. Love that makes you weep to think about. It's wistful and truth telling. Keep writing, Lindsay. Leave the real jobs to others.

View all 17 recommendations

Character Information

  • Imogen
    Character Age
    mid 20s-30s
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Workshop, Organization New Play Project, Year 2020
  • Type Reading, Organization Femme Fatale, Year 2020
  • Type Reading, Organization Cherry Creek High School, Year 2020
  • Type Reading, Organization Theatre Viscera, Year 2020

Production History

  • Type Community Theater, Organization CoHo Productions, Year 2022
  • Type Community Theater, Organization Epiphany UMC, Year 2022